The fifth meeting of the British Association for the Advancement
of Science will be held in Dublin, and will occupy the week commenc- ing on MoBrial, August the loth. It is anticipated, that this meeting will not offer inferiorattractions, or be less numerouslyintended by the cultivators of' science, than those already held at Oxford, Cambridge, and Edinburgh.
A Danish fifty-gum frigate has arrived at Leghorn, to take on board and convey to Copenhagen a part of' the finished works of Thorwaldsen. The artist himself intends to go to Copenhagen during the summer, in order to be present when they are put up in the places for which they
intended, ntended.
Mr. Henry Ellis, Ambassador to Persia, sailed yesterday from Woolwich, in the Government steam-vessel Tartarus, for Malta.
On Tuesday morning, the Argyllshire mountains were observed to be actually covered with snow, particularly a hill on the Drimsynie estate, named Benevullo, the highest ridge in the mountains in Cowal, and Criggen Hill, or the Duke of Argyll's Bowling-Green, on the western side of Loch Long.