4 JULY 1835, Page 9

Cbr Countrti, Lord ChitsIss Fitzsoy, the new Vice-Chamberlain, was reelected

for Bury St. Edmund's yesterday week. The 'furies endeavoured to get up an opposition to his Lordship, but totally failed. A Air. Dalton was first put forwat d, but subsequently withdrawn ; and on the day of vomit:ado:1, it Captain Oakes was proposed; but he did nut go to a poll. The Tories showed abundance of spite and ill-humour, but little courage en t7io'retion.

Reform Atosei :dons and Conservative Clubs are still forming in various pasts or the coustry. The Torii s, ceetainly, appear to be more active in the work than the Liberals. In all parts of the kingdom—in Flintshite, Glourestershire, Sussex, Nottinghamshire, Cheshire, Dorsetsbire, mid Devonshire—they have been on the alert during the last week or ten days. The Reformers have need of extra exertion.

An attempt was made in Leicester, on Wednesday, to " agitate " in behalf of the doomed Corporations. A meeting was summoned by the towiserier, and about 1200 freemen attended ; but leaders were wanting, anal die assembly adjourned sine tile. It appears, that out of 1700 freemen in Leicester, only 250 avail themselves of the privilege of grazing the " Freemen's piece."

The Corporation of Lincoln, in anticipation of the changes speedily to be effected in the constituencies and privileges of bodies corporate, have advertised to " enfranchise and grant the freehold and inheritance" of the corporation real estates to sueh of the present "lessees" as are agreeable to accept die same, the I aids at 25 and the houses or build- iogs at 50 per cent. of their value.—LinctInsliire Mserevt. Lit is to be hoped that a retrosaective clause in the Municipal Bill will f: us- trate all such roguery.]