Eche labourers were tried at the Aylesbury Sessitsts on ' fInssiday,
on it',0 of creating a riot to prevetit the removal or some paupers; in a vent titan (hesitant to Altlels1111111, i ia'h lay last ;ott Whiell OCraSiOtt
the 'Yeomanry were eallatl out—very unnecessarily, it would seem. There %vas ststieely any evidence against the plisoners ; and they were actor :teal, to the extreme delight of the people in the court.
tieveritment has offered a reward of lnef. for the apprehension of Eduverd Rogers and Eliza Evans, tt•ho are charged with the murder,
by poison, of the woman's husband, at It'elsbpool. 'Ile advertise- ment thus describes the woman- - h vt.e !:::111 st.11111.e. g,,ntrel Anwar:two, light bair, rather dark eyes, uellead, i- nett edit...lied. and stalks hosts; her 41CeeilSell 1111,11;l11,1 lately kept slico itl thiall Sthvt, Itai It. MO alt,rnattls in tile Qtrtdrant. London. ftotn • (hi It nont to ,Isi illahoin siv inetnlis ago. 'they kt:tans and her neront- ri:ri• tee 1‘ el• in it tt;-ti.i• nn the Illnh Mt!, ;nal have twit tract to Wolvea.
mel ia thry are now in London. 'Elie unman was seen WI 1.10 .9 It J. iteii la, It ; she V.atS dr,ssed in a Mail:, silk gov-a, straw or
sl :::Ittly x‘ :tit n late Ill.:nal, :and at black led; she had with, !,:q* .; gr, : and wear, her ri:it hes ticher short ; has a very retty leg aud
ft o . fled bad her Lair in The 1,•'.1.11,14 bo payable aS :1110Ve stated."
Half of the reward hits I esti subscribed by the residents in the ticigbboul hood of 11'elshpool.
A man maned Myers has been examined before the 'Manchester AI as ktrates, on a charge of muroleriog a woman, with whom he coha- bited, seven \'calti since. sIn eye-witness of the murder came forward
a few days ago, and for the first time gave evidence of what he had scum, to thv l'oliee. Myers was suspected, antl arrested, at the time
tb.• murder; but discharged on the verdict of the Coroner's Inquest on tia: body of the woman.
A fire broke out early on '1'hursday morning, in that premises of Mr. A Itbatt, a candlemalser in Hammersmith ; it destroyed considerable prop: thy belonging to Mr. Abbott, and damaged two adjoining houses.