In the Court of King's Bench. on Tuesday, Sir Jobs,
De IkauvJir was tried OH MI indictment for perjury. It appeared that br.r John htel .sworn to a quahheatton as a Alcuilier of the House of Commona, which, 'a Gatuntittee of the II use had subsequentl;a declared to be insuflimeat. It wes doubtful from the evidence, ill the tirst place, whether after all the mialification was rot a good out.; and secondly, it appeased clearly enough that Sir John believed it to be sufficient. So the Jury acquitted hint, aftut a very btielconaultation. This trial was promoted by cer- tain spiteful opponents of Sir John De Beauvoir, who were not con- tented %with unseating him fot Windsor, but annoyed him with this un- called-for prosecution.] hint, aftut a very btielconaultation. This trial was promoted by cer- tain spiteful opponents of Sir John De Beauvoir, who were not con- tented %with unseating him fot Windsor, but annoyed him with this un- called-for prosecution.] On ThurAay, the proprietors of the John Ball, obtained a verdict, with test:i. tes. Ns!. agaiost a Alr. Rorier, who bad furnished them \tad; a 1:Iteliotts paragraph, w Melt was published in the John against IL Mr. t 'hal:mos. Chalmers had brought an action against the paper, a.: cset red damages and costs amounting to upwards of teibit.
t:sfied that Rosier had guaranteed the editor of the
Jan consequences of publishing- the paragraph ; and
on tie H• .11 a verdict for the plaintiffs.
Ti. • ,,tt s at tlat Marlborough Street Oillee have spent sortie sine • its v. t. • k in investigating the circumstances attendieg the
tit tot!! a large sum, vat i0111,1y stated at and tr.sidcnce of the Eat 1 of Aluxborough, in Dover
tStret The following are the particulars of the robbery.
to lexhorough went to an entertainment which was given at :ease ; ; s Sea she went out, the greater portion of her jewellery I di,•-sing- mon. When she returned at twelve o'clock at night. • c.directed to one f the jewellery -boxes, which was out :you opening it, she saw that i was empty. Sh..!
acida r till, and a search was made; and it was thVil
VerLd . et jewellery had been conveyed away, and that others cc:in-ars. None of the s tvants had been alarmed, or
been : Fail . :to; t h.! evering. information was immediately given
to tte m 11,o place being ex-onitied by illicit s, no traces of a couid iv.11,COVeled, except that theta were
••lattls leelins front one of the towatd, Park Lane. were al,u frond by the (dicers, which did not be-
long' 4 hi Toe Ably morning. several ot the empty jewelkrv•I-,1%,, a :,:!.ed tip in the garden; having been thrown aver the
wall h. nil/hely, it appeared, must have been effected between
the hems sr; :Ss.. at: i ascise.
On a e. itesesiest: being made to the Magistrates of this oftlee of the IA the robbery, it was deemed advisable that the whole of ths rear, connected with the establishment of I.ord Max boroissit bast's! et:de:seta minute iavestigation ; :and the whole of dean were ss, :steed :mete. The result of a very lengthened
. Mid ro.rtAille Bandy, were remanded, on
sat-pie:es . : :se :s.ot-erited in the robbery.
Thee, j,,et; shoemakers—Parker, Conley, and APPctre- were !:.• .es !It the Magistrates at the Alarylebone
_ •., charged with tangling a pugilistic cocoa ,:sce ito Alomlay evening, at the beck of
the 01111'i P. 00d. '140 I1101, MOW(' 1.:asey *mil 4 ., the latter of whom was 10 drt adroit),
injur. tag ea is It encounter, that he expired in
. Cesey is mit nt custody. The others were rs-