It appears from a Parliamentary return, that Government paid to
W. V. Landgridge, Esq., of Lewes, on '28th April 1811, the sum of all. 19s. Sd. towards the expenses of prosecuting the editor of the Brighton Guardian. [This was one of the most dissrecefid acts of the I(key Ministry. It was a mean attempt to tangy favour with the most ,. , . Inveterate ea- tares foes, the Comity Magistracy.] A public gtle of two chairs. seized for nompayment of church-rates, took place iir Wakefield, on 'Iltrursday neck. They were the property of Messrs. Guaage Cowen and James Gregory ; and were sold for his. Cl. At the sale, the spectators, who were very numerous, formed a procession ; two chairs were eatried aloft after the band of musie ; and the whole body marched through the town, amidst the cheers and laughter ef the inhabitants.—llanfise Expr,ss.
The funeral of Mr. Cobbett took place on Saturday, at Farnham,
in Sit ray, where he was born. Among the at at the funeral, were :Jr. Eeldert, Mr. John Leech, late Alenther for Story, Mr. O'Coenell, Mr. Harvey, Mr. 1Viliiams-, and Mr. Wakley. l'housands of lebeurers, in smock-ftocks and straw hats, joined the procession, with their wit es and children. The street of the little town was also thrtmeed.