Lord AItagrave has directed circulars to be sent to the
Altagistrates, calling upon them to prevent the usual Orange exhibitions on the Is and I 2th instant.
The Committee to inouire into the nature and duties of the Board of Public Works in Ireland are prastealting their inquiry. There is no doubt that, ili lttIihitiin to the sun] of 500,000/. to be issued by way of loan, a grant of 50.004. will be made for the purpose of forwarding public works in Ireland. It is understood that Government will recom- mend that a sum of 75,l Ain/. be granted for the purpose of rendering the Shannon navigable.—Ilablin Er-rainy l'ost.
The dreadful distress of the peasantry in the county of Mayo cor- tinues. A correspondent of the Herald says- " Where the destitution seems to be greatest (if any distinction can be made amid such unit-et sal stniering) is in the distrirt adjacent to Westport and New- port ; and yet the exports florin those ports amount on an average to about 300 tons of grain per week ; and with this superabundant supply, the mat kets well filled, meal at lit. per cwt., and potatoes at 2.1d. and 3d. per stone, the great majority of the populatieu are on the brink of absolute starvation. existing on precarious charity, on Sc', weed, shell fish, and cabbage-leaves. The landlords, as usual, with the exception ef a few in Erris, have not contributed a surer to relieve tla.-ir starvimt tenant ; and ill this district they are remarkable fur exact ilig at hi' higher reilt th.et that pi ice of agicultutal produce will enable the teretet to