4 JULY 1835, Page 9
On Tuesday, a !..ad Sunield was riding dowo Constitution Hill,
on his wev to tl:c .• a-a- of Lords, Ins horse stumbled and fell, threw his Lortishi;t, ii. i.:' • 1 ma r la— Ile was picked rap sen-eless ; and by the kindia s.: itts, eta lagie.s ....Ito were passing, and who gave up the use of their is:yr:age, was immetlietely conveyed home. 011 examina- tion, it was found that the injury 11:s Lordship had received was COO- fined to the fracture or One rib; atal his speedy recovery may be ex- pected.
A fire brake out early on V.'erIncsday morning, in the premises of Mr. Richter, the bookseller, of Soho Square. Considerable damage was done before the tire was got under.