121"Me Metropolis.
The pulling for Sheriff; terminated On Wednesday, when the contest became interesting in eineeeptellee of an attempt of Mr. Galloway's friends to secure his return. For the seven previous s this person's supporters hod made no exertion ; but on Tuesd,,y a circular calling upon the Liberal Liverymen to time forward in Ale lalloway's behalf appeared with the signat LIN'S Of Yr. Benjamin Wood, Mr. Wynn Ellis, and Mr. William 'Williams, Members of Parliarneut ; and oil Wednes- day upwards of 600 votes were ;.:iven for (.142o%, ay- -1101 sellicient, how- ever, to secure his election. This %; as the slate of the poll at its close-- G bs, 1,427 Farlicumbe, ; Galloway, Mr. Farneombe was admitted to tile freedom ul' the City on Tuesday, by the Court of Aldermsn ; but as he was not a freeman when nomi nutted at the Guildhall, it is doubtful whether he is eligible, and a notice was served on the Sheriffs declaring all votes for Ferneombe null and void.
At a meeting of the Court of t 'ommon Council on Thursday, Deputy Hicks presented a report front a Committee upon Bartholomew Fair, recommending its yeadtta/ suppression.
Mr. Anderton declared his decided opposition to canting and Metho- distical interference with the eejuyments of the poor : lie himself visited the fair every year, and had as much enjoyment as other people de- rived front an opera. Mr. Williams said the Mir was a scene of horri- ble debauchery ; and Mr. Lott declared that it " presented the saturna- lia of profligacy and debauchery ;" whilst Mr. Wells thought the fair innoxious under a good pollee ; and Mr. Richard Tay fur said he was "in favour of the shows and the mountebanks, and considered the objec- tions to them nothing less than the wild eitimeras of fanaticism."
The reception of the report wes voted by 43 to I : it was ordered to be printed, and "referred back to the Committee to be carried into exe- cution."