A great number of persons assembled at the West. India
Dock, Black- wall, on Tuesday, in order to witness the landing of a magnificent male elephant, from the ship Lady Flora, which has recently arrived from Calcutta. The elephant was a present to her Majesty ; who, having no accommodation for so gigantic a protelgC, has since presented the dis- tinguished Oriental stranger to the Zoological Society, and lie arrived with his keeper at their gardens in the Regent's Park on Wednesday night. The elephant is a very fine specimen, is docile and good- tempered. Bello.° he was shipped in the East Indies, he was christened "Prince Albert." A ship arrived on Wednesday night in the London Dock witha beautiful lioness and a tiger on board, also intended as pre- sents to the Queen. It is expected that these animals will also be consigned to the Zoological Gardens.
We understand that the Marquis of Saldanba has now finally settled the object of his special mission to the British Government, and that he will return to Lisbon in the course of this week. The claims immedi- ately adjusted are those of the Duke of Wellington, Marshal Beresford, and others, besides the expenses of the expedition sent to Portugal in 1825. The civil claims are to be referred to a commission. It is also said that the basis of a commercial treaty has been agreed on between this country and Portugal.—Courier.