The intelligence of the settlement of the Oregon question, received on Monday, has completely altered the appearance of the Stock Market, and given it a buoy- ancy that it has not exhibited for some time. The first effect of the news was to lice an improvement of per cent in the price of Consols; and that advance
been nearly supported in the face of some extensive sales, (one bargain being to the extent of 150,0001.,) during the remainder of the week; the closing quota- tions of today, after the occurrence of some downward fluctuation, being the highest. Bank Stock, after being for a long time neglected, has improved; and is today quoted at 2063 for Money, and 2073 for Account. The premium of &ache quer Bills has also advanced, and is today quoted at Ila and 15s. Money is also more plentiful, and will be abundant in the course of next week. The payment of the Dividends takes place on Wednesday next. The books of all those Stocks now closed will be open for private transfer on Monday next, the 6th instant. It is also understood that the Revenue for the quarter terminating on the 5th will ex- hibit a very flourishing state of the national finances; and generally we may con- sider that the aspect of affairs, political, commercial, and financial, is more favour- able than it has been lately. In the Foreign Market, the business has been of a very unimportant character, and the fluctuations trifling. The Portuguese Bonds and Spanish Three per Cents are now quoted without the dividend. The dispute between the Mexican Government and Messrs. Lizardi, their late agents, has operated unfavourably upon the prices of Mexican Bonds; both the Active and Passive varieties of which are about i per cent lower, and heavy at the current quotations. The Railway Share Market was benefited by the general upward movement in the English Funds; some of the better class of Shares having been in demand. The impulse created was, however, but momentary; and the quotations of almost all of them are today lower than fast week. The Scrip of the newer varieties is without any material change. Some'excitement was caused on Wednesday, among those parties interested in the North Staffordshire Railway, by the appearance of an advertisement in the Times stating that the line had been leased upon very advan- tageous terms by the Birmingham Railway Company. The immediate effect of this announcement was to produce an advance of nearly It. in the price of the Shares. Its effect upon the market was, however, much lessened by the pre; valence of a belief among the brokers and dealers that the advertisement was a forgery—a suspicion that was spmdily confirmed by the Directors of the Company. The Committee of the Stock Exchange were today engaged in an investigation into the circumstances connected with this fraud, but have not discovered any trace of the delinquent. The rise in price, though rapid, was of short duration, and the transactions of the day in these particular Shares were not above the usual average. The French Shares are all lower, in consequence of a decline of prices in Paris. This depression occurred suddenly on Tuesday, when the firmness of our market on Monday and the settlement of the Oregon question were known; several expresses having been sent off on Monday with the intelli- gence in order to reach Paris about mid-day on Tuesday. We are therefore in- clined to'believe that in France, as in this country, the speculation in Railway Shares has been carried to an unhealthy extent, and that the necessary reaction consequent upon its excess is still in progress.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account... ex div 3 per Cent Reduced
33 per Cents
Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills prem.
India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 43 per Cents Chillan 6 per Cents shut 951 1 954 4 961 73 10/ 5-16 207 3 12 16 shut 83 6 98 96 7 Columbian ex Venezuela— Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 23 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents
Mexican 5 per Cents
Ditto Deferred Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) ft per Cents Ditto 3 Cents 1842 16 88 90 60 3 94 3 261 73 153 163 47 49 47 49 109 11 241 1 353
There is no change in the quotations of the English Funds, which are the same as yesterday. The market is firm at the current prices. In the Foreign Market, prices are unchanged, and very little business doing. More activity is manifested, and a larger amount of business has occurred, in the Railway Shares than for some time. It will be seen by the following list of bargains effected, that almost all the principal lines have been dealt in at advanced prices ; Great Wester!!: are in demand in all their varieties, in consequence of the passage of the Bir- mingham and Oxford bill. The following are the transactions alluded to: Derby
and Crewe, 6/ - Great Western, 149 50; ditto, Half Sh 88; ditto, QuarterShares, 163; diito, Fifths, 323; Birmingham, 224; ditto, Third Shares, 623; ditto, Fifths, 253; Brighton, Fifths, 415; Midland, New, 381; North British, 293; Richmond, 173; Scottish Central, 16; South-eastern and Dover, New No. 2, 133 14; East Indian 5; Luxemburg, 2; North Staffordshire. 4 prem.
The English Funds close more firmly, the last price of Consols for Account being 955 3. Bank Stock is also advancing, and has been done at 2073. Ex- chequer Bills are likewise slightly improved, being quoted at 12s. to 16e. premium. The Foreign Market is rather firmer, and the general complexion better than in the morning, without any material change in prices. We have to notice the somewhat rare occurrence of a bargain in Cuba Bonds, at 98. The Railway Shares have given way a little; and it will be seen, by the following record of bargains, that the high prices of the morning have not in all cases been supported. Aber- deen, 83; Bristol and Exeter, New, 93; Caledonian, Si 4; Eastern Counties, 243 4; Great Western, 149 50 47; Ditto, Half-shares, 83; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 163 17; Ditto, Fifth-shares, 823; Hull and Selby, Half-shares, 89; London and Birmingham, 224 23; Ditto, Thirds, 623; Ditto, Quarters, 294 9; Ditto, Fifths, 253; Midland, 1503; Ditto, New, 883; Scottish Central, 16; Scottish Midland, 63; South-eastern and Dover, New, No. 2, 183 14; Boulogne and Amiens, 125; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 14 4; Louvain and-Jemeppe, 3; Luxem- bourg, 2; Orleans and Bordeaux, 95 9; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 6; Paris and Rouen, 40 383; Rouen and Havre, 283.