The Oregon question is settled. The American Government have adopted,
without altering a word, the final proposition made by this Government. That proposition was based on the modi- fied American offer, " the 49th parallel," said by intelligent people to be the last inch that the fierce Democracy would yield. But the British Government made two qualifying proposals, which did not interfere with the integrity of the American posi- tion : the 49th parallel was taken, not to the broad ocean, but to the salt waters only ,- the boundary to deflect Southwards in the Strait of San Juan de Fuca ; thus leaving to England the whole of Vancouver's Island, with a command of the entrance to the Strait. Moreover, England reserves a right of way up the Colum- bia river. Some doubt has been expressed as to the duration of this right—whether it is to be perpetual, or only during the cur- rency of the charter to the Hudson's Bay Company. There is nothing to show for the limited interpretation. England will keep the right so long as she thinks it useful and the two coun- tries are not at war ; in the latter case, to lose it or to vindicate it vi et armis.