An Index to the Times Newspaper. (Samuel Palmer.)—This is the
first number of a work which it is proposed to publish quarterly. Groat labour has evidently been expended in drawing it up. Those who have over to undergo that most wearisome and irritating toil, searching through the file of a newspaper, will find in it a great saving of time and temper.
We have received now editions of Mrs. Jameson's Memoirs of the Early Italian Painters (Murray), of Celestial Objects for Common Tele- scopes, by the Rev. T. W. Webb (Longmans), and of the Handbook of School Management, by P. W. Joyce (M.Glashan and Gill, Dublin). Joyce's Scientific Dialogues have been republished (Tegg), with vary numerous additions and corrections, by Mr. J. A. Smith, intended to bring this very useful work up to the level of modern science. Leaves from Our Journal in the Highlands appears in a cheap and convenient volume. We have also to acknowledge a very elegant little reprint of Beckford's Vathek, a groat romance, which is not as generally known by this generation as it should be. For a third edition of Dr. John Robertson's Pastoral Counsels, a well known essayist, who signs himself "A. K. H. B.," has written a preface which contains some interesting personal recollections of the author, and some reflections on cathedrals and other matters which might have been well spared.