Owing to a preponderance of purchases and the downward tendency
in the value of corn, the Cousol Market closed very firm to-night, and the quotations show an advance of i on the week. Consols are 95 to both for money and the account ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 9431 to 95; Exchequer Bills, 15s. to 20s. premium. There has been a good demand for Indian Government Securities, and values show a farther improvement. On the whole, the Railway Market has shown considerable anima- tion, and the general tendency of prices has been upwards. London and Brighton stock has ruled firm, in consequence of the passing of the Company's Bill through the Lords. It is presumed that the 1,000,000/. of ordinary stock which the bill empowers the directors to create will be issued without delay. The unfavourable nature of the Traffic Returns of most of the leading lines, notwithstanding a considerable increase in the mileage, has operated against any considerable improvement in values, but the generally depressed state of trade is doubtless the cause of the decrease in the receipts. The usual monetary arrange- ments in connection with the close of the half-year have caused a temporary activity in the Discount Market, and the rate of good three months' paper has advanced to Li per cent. in Lombard Street. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now 22,751,2211.; in the Bank of France, 48,790,000/.