Roumania has been greatly agitated by a quarrel about _Royal
etiquette. Prince Ferdinand of Hohenzollern.. Sigmaringen, brother and Heir-Presumptive of the King, has fallen in love with Mademoiselle Helene Vacaresco, daughter of a great Roumanian boyar, or landlord. He wishes to marry her, and has obtained an unwilling consent from King Charles, who knows that such anj,Iliance within his family will greatly annoy the German Emperor. The Ministry, however, have interfered, declaring that the future King of Roumania must stand above the local houses, and be free of all relation- ships with them ; and as the Deputies and people are of the same opinion, the engagement has been broken off, and Prince Ferdinand has retreated to Sigmaringen to over- come his chagrin. The incident has repeatedly occurred in Europe under other forms, but we do not remember another case in which the people have interfered. They are generally assumed to approve Royal marriages of affection, but we are not sure that the assumption is correct. Certainly when they choose Kings, they have shown themselves most unwilling to travel out of the Royal caste, though we believe the Greeks did, on the last vacancy, offer their throne to the present Lord Derby, then Lord Stanley. He, however, thinks sitting on thorns a disagreeable amusement, and declined the honour.