An influential meeting was held at the Mansion House on
Friday week to establish the Association of Subscribers to Charities. A letter was read from Mr. Burns earnestly sup- porting the objects of the meeting. Lord Lichfield made out the completest possible case for founding the new Association. He explained how much waste is caused by the overlapping of the work of manifold societies all labouring in comparative ignorance of one another's movements. Much money is also swallowed up by administrative expenses that might La avoided. He described carefully how the new Association would work in harmony with the excellent Charity Organisa- tion Society, which will not be superseded in any sense. The new Association will aim at promoting syStematised co-opera- tion and regular interchange of information,—things which could not be done by the Charity Organisation Society, for all its able and unremitting work. The Association would not touch individual cases. The resolution establishing the Association was carried unanimously. We sincerely wish a most prosperous and useful career to the Association, which has been founded in such favourable circumstances.