4 JULY 1908, Page 24



SIR,—The letter you very kindly inserted last year on the subject of the Women's Holiday Fund bore such good fruit that I venture to plead for the same privilege once more. The Fund helped a thousand and thirty-five poor women to get away for a time from the worries and anxieties of their grey-coloured, care-laden lives. This year a larger number are applying to us, but we must soon refuse any more help if funds do not increase. The women pay as much as they can afford towards their expenses, but can never pay the full cost. Will those now looking forward to foreign travel or to spending the summer in delightful country homes remember their poorer sisters who are grateful for one week (they often cannot take more) away from the closeness and noise of their London homes ? The benefit conferred by the short rest in fresh air is incalculable and the women come back with renewed vigour and ready to take up the burden of life again. I enclose a Report with balance-sheet.—I am, Sir, &c., HELEN A. POWNALL (Chairman of Ex. Corn., W.H.F.) P.S.—Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged by the hon. treasurer, A. S. Daniell, Esq., Fairchildes, Warlingham, Surrey ; Miss Ivimy, sec. W.H.F., 76 Denison House, Vaux- hall Bridge Road ; or Mrs. Frank Pownall, 7r Bickenhall Mansions, W.