Through Finland to St. Petersburg. By A. Maccallum Scott. (Grant
Richards. 2s. 6d. net.)—" The average British reader," says Mr. Scott," still associates Finland in his mind with Lapland
and the Arctic Ocean Finland is Arctic only in the winter." We do not deny that there is a summer, and we acknow- ledge that Mr. Scott describes it and the delights which accom- pany it in a very pleasant, and even enticing, way. Still, we maintain that, judged by practical tests, Finland is "Arctic." The mean annual temperature in Northern Finland is 28° Fehr., and at Helsingfors 36". Anyhow, the North with an average of 4' below the freezing-point must be given up. But that does not prevent the country being a delightful place—for a time. And certainly Mr. Scott's enthusiasm does not make him a leas useful guide.