4 JULY 1914, Page 20



[To THE EDITOR OF TER "SPECT■TOR."J wonder whether any intelligent and independent Liberal, calmly and dispassionately reviewing the events of the past eight years, can honestly defend the record of the present Government. Here are a few of the items :— (1) Ministers did not themselves put Home Rule in the forefront of their programme at the last General Election. But they contend that the Unionist leaders did it for them ! And this is their mandate for Home Rule ! This cannot be matched out of Alice in Wonderland. (2) The Parliament Act was intended to readjust the relations of the two Houses and improve the Constitution. But what has it done P Practically abolished the effective power of the Second Chamber altogether, and reduced the government of the country, not merely to that of a Single Chamber, but to that of an autocratic Cabinet. So much for the improvement of the Constitution ! (3) The Preamble to the Parliament Act contained a promise to reform the House of Lords which Mr. Asquith said, three years ago, was "a debt of honour which brooked no delay." But this promise has never been kept; and Mr. Asquith's debt of honour is still unredeemed.

(4) The Government found Ireland, eight years ago, a land of peace, and have now brought her to the brink of civil war.

(5) They have brought in a Home Rule Bill which Mr. Asquith maintains is, as it stands, a wise and just measure ; but which he admits in the same breath would, if passed as it stands, produce civil war. (6) To avert civil war Mr. Asquith now produces an Amending Bill, which he admits will not avert civil war. But, again, see (1) 'above, he puts his trust in the Unionist leaders to do for him what he is unable or afraid to do for himself—i.e., to shape the Amending Bill so that it will avert civil war. Who is governing the country ? The Government or the Opposition ? (7) Ministers have allowed, without let or hindrance for the best part of three years, an illegal force of one hundred thousand armed men to be raised, equipped, and drilled in Ulster. With what object? Peace and better government? (8) They have now allowed another illegal force of one hundred thousand men or more to be marshalled on the Nationalist side. With what object ? Peace or war? Have Ministers abdicated all duties of government? I have by no means exhausted the record. But I would plainly ask all honest Liberals : "Do you consider the Government is governing the country or not? If it is not, what excuse is there for its existence ? And can you, in any case, defend its record or its methods, or now any longer