Sig,—May I, through the courtesy of your columns, appeal to your readers on behalf of a German friend of mine, a young publisher, an economist by training, son of a well-known clerical family, who might well play a significant part in the re-education and re-orientation of the German public, both ecclesiastical and secular. He has planned to pub- lish digests of news from home and abroad with informed comment and criticism and to serve his readers in a way not entirely unlike our Christian News-Letter. For this work he requires urgently periodicals and magazines as well as the weekly editions of our leading daily papers. His range of subjects will be as wide as possible ; therefore reading matter of a technical nature on philosophy, theology, economics, medicine, law and especially of course on politics would be most welcome. I may add that the occupation authorities have certified in writing that they would welcome this kind of publicity warmly, and have supplied the licences required. All depends now on whether -reading matter from abroad can be made available regularly. Your readers will be aware that my friend is unable to obtain the material by himself owing to the present currency restrictions. I would gladly undertake to forward any literature that is sent to my address.—Yours, etc., IRMGARD P. BOOTH.
15 The Ridgeway, N.S F'