The Samuel Brown, Reid, from Mauritius for London, has arrived at Ascension critic six feet of water in her hold, lumina been on a lock near that island. About two thousand bags of sugar are supposed to he damaged. Arrived. In the Dowee, June 2nd, Lady Kennaway, Moacrieff, and Protector.
Waugh, from Bengal ; Royal George, Embleton, from Mauritius. In the Channel, et. C. ship Asteil, Lawrence, from China ; Thames, Warming, from Ben- gal ; Wellington, Beetle, from Slatiras ; Caroline, Fewson, from Bombay ; Beatrice, Smith ; Mermaid, Henniker ; and Matilda, Comyn, from Mauritius ; Greenock, Hunter, from Batavia and the Cape ; Wave, Lister, from Van Diemen's Land ; Patience, Matthews; and Acquila, Taylor. from the Cape. At Madeira, May 8th, Providence, O'Brien, from London for Madras. At Ascension, Samuel Brown, Reid, from Mauritius; and Falloden, Mould, from ditto. At St. Ifelena, James Sibbald. Cole, from Bengal ; and Sesostris, Yates, from Singapore. At Bombay, Dec. 31st, Jean, Hamlin, from Clyde ; Jan. 6th, Huddersfield, Matthewson, from Liverpool ; 8th, Upton Castle, Duggan, from London. At Van Diemen'i Land, Dec. 18th, Clyde, Munro, from London ; 20th, Cleopatra, Sweet, from Dublin ;. 28th, Resource, Shuttleworth ; and Mary, Beachcroft, from London. Sailed. From Gravesend, May 28th, Bdellium, Wardle, for the Cape; and:Lord William Bentinck, Hutchinson, for Madras and Bengal ; June 3rd, H. C..ship Larkins, Campbell, for New South Wales and China. From Liverpool, May. 31st, Minerva, Metcalfe, for Bombay ; June 1st, Dorothy, Garnock, for ditto.. From Clyde, June 1st, Stirling Castle, Frazer, from New South Wales.