list of Places in England and Wales, which, in reply
to his Ma- jesty's gracious Speech, have returned Members to serve the King and the Country ; with the Population of each in 1821, and the estimated amount of Property rated to the Property- tax in 1815.
1-Members who did nut serve in the last Pnrliamen t nre, throngliont these Tables, marked 0; those who have changed their sents 11; double returns t.]
Places. Population.
Bedford ..... 78.230 Properly. Members.
:334,491/. Marg. of Tavistock, Sir P. Payne* Berta: .. 106,152 580,110 U. Dondas, R. 0. Throckmortou* J. Smith 11 --, Buckingham 5'.1,281 297.690 Lord F. G. Osborne, II. J. Adeane Cambridge 107,767 6::4,079 Chester ... 950,1.19 1.071,-138 M. Belgrave, G. Wilbraham II Cornwall .. 221,156 828,899 E. W. Pendarves, Sir C. Lemon 11
1::6,854 650,-187
Sir J. It. Graham, ‘Vm. Blarnire *
Derby 105,910 848,227 Ld. G. Cavendish, Hon. G. J. Vernon a Devon
1,661,243 Vis. Ebrington, Ld. J. Russell lit Dorset . 116,434 632,570 E. B. Portman, J. Calcraft 1 Durham ...... .... 197,851 763,632 W. Russell, Sir II. Williamson* Essex
96,5 200
1,496,066 C.C. Western, Hon. W. Wellesley1 Gloucester 228,371 1,210,616 Sir \V. Guise, Hon. H. 0. F. Moreton • Hereford • • 88,768 574,407 Sir R. Price, K. Hoskins* Hertford . 120,977 525,243 Sir J. S. Sebright, N. Calvert Huntingdon - - .. 29,982 156,718 - -, J. B. Hooper * Kent 359,437 1,521,e66 T. L. !lodges, T. Rider • Lancaster 576,596 9,98.1,500 Lord Stanley, B. Heywood* Leicester 144,446 844,527 C. M. Phillips *, T. Paget * Lincoln 248,127 1,961,040 Sir W. A. Ingilby, Hon. C. A. Pelham 1 filiddlesex 837,012 3,297,263 J. Hume, G Byng W. A. Williams* , Monmouth 33,834 141,067 T. W. Coke, Sir W. Foulkes Norfolk 260,522 1,411,562 Northampton 144,364 904,159 Vis. Althorp, Via. Milton*t Northumberland 151,646 1,090,334
T. W. Beaumont, Vis.11owick (1
Nottingham 104,319 663,894 J. S. Lumley, J. E. Denison*t Oxford 112,905 669,414
G. Harcourtg, Major Weyland Et
Rutland 18,487 133,487 Sir (5. Noel, Sir 0. Heathcote Somerset 292,753 1,735,301 E. A.Sanford, Col. W. 0. Langton* Southampton 901,510 993,061 Sir J. Macdonald ll, C. S. Lefevre 1 Stafford '100,56* 1,1114,563 E. J. Littleton, Sir J. Wrottesley Suffolk 234,994 1,019,480 Sir H Bunbury, C. Tyrrell Sorry ' 306,055 1,563,783 W. J. Denison, J. I. Briscoe Sussex 193,983 809,937 H. B. Corte's, Lord 3. G. Lennox 1 Warwick 39,366 1,147,269 F. Lawley, Sir 0. Skipwith* Alex. Nowell* , Westmorland 25,267 143,413 J. Benett, Sir J. 1). Astley Wilts 181,631 1,027,931 Worcester 15S.013
Hon. T. H. Foley, Hon. F. Spencer •
York 1 0-9 299
4,465,269 Vis. Morpeth, Sir J. V. Johnstone
J . C. Ramsden ll, G. Strickland a 9,041,785 41.74577/.
For the King and Country 76 Members, representing 9,041,785 Consti- tuents, and Property rated at 41,724,577/.
Places. Population. Property. Members.
Bath 18,405 36,7541. C. Palmer , J. E. Baillie, E. Protheroe jun.* Bristol . 87,779 209,488 Canterbury 12,745 26,508 Lord Fordwich, Hon. It. Watson Carlisle 15,476 49,505 P. H. Howard, R. James* Chester 19,949 55,966 R. Grosvenor, F. C. Offley* Chichester 7,269 22,015 Lord Arthur Lennox*, J. A. Smithll Coventry 21,242 57,779 E. Ellice, H. L. Bulwer H , Durham 4,911 13,863
W. R. Chaytor W. Buller ,J.
Exeter 11,739 27,118 E. Webb, Capt. Berkeley* E. B. Clive , Gloucester 9.744 18,485 Hereford 4,545 9,323 Sir G. Anson, Sir E. D. Scott* F. Fleneage* Litchfield
6,075 24,977
Lincoln . 5,183 22,198 ,G.
M. Wood, W. Thompson
125,434 1,056,371
Robert Walthman, W. Venables* Norwich 50,288 72,481 Robert Grant, R. H. Gurney Oxford 16,364 29,806 W. H. Hughes, J H. Langstone Peterborough-- 4,598 11,647 Sir R. Heron, N. Fazakerly Rochester 24,063 24,120 It. Bernal, John Mills • D. P. Bouverie , Salisbury 4,381 9,132 J. L. Lee Wells 3,775 13,264 , St. John Mildmay Winchester 2,582 11,978 ,P.
Sir F. Burdett, J. C. Hobhouse Westminster 182,085 1,241,903 Worcester.. 17,023 48,037
T. H. H. Davies, G. R. Robinson
York 20,787 44,379 T. Dundas, S. A. Bayntun
676,535 3,136,1971.
For the King and Country, 42 Members, representing 676,535 Consti- tuents, and Property rated at 3,136,1971.
A Ark Aru As Ay Ba
B B r
' 5:\ 5,137
15-'7. 4,123 A 412
B 1,255
2,539 025 5,466 Property. Members.
9,023/. J. Maberley 8,975 H. A. Fellowes*, R. Etwall jun.* HOD. H. Tufton
3,686 -,
Lord D. C. Stuart
3,376 -,
7,848 W. S. Poyntz, R. Torrens • 9,288 Lord Nugent, W. Rickford 5.878 - Easthope •
J. P. B. Chichester • 5,639 ,
4,586 G. H. Vernon', Lord Newark 9,189 W. H. Whitbread, F. Polhill ENGLISH BOIL 0 U OH S-(COHtinUed)•
Berwick Beverley .
Bletchingley, .. A
Boston Bridgenorth Bridgewater
Bridport, B Bury St. Edmunds Calliugton A Caine Camelford A
4,361 6,725 1,187 10,373 4,345 3,077 1,871 4,999 1,321 4,549 1,256
15,405 33,572 6,770 30,423 11,741 14,617 3,500 6.51:3 4,142 26,502 4,141
Members, Sir F. Blake W. Marshall LI, H. Burton
C. Tennyson 1 t, I. G. B. Pnnsonby J. Wilkes, G. J. Heathcote* W. W. Whitmore, J. Foster • C. K. Tynte
H. Warburton , --, C. A. Fitzroy*
H. B. Baring, Hon. E. C. Herbert * T. 13. Macauley, Colonel Fez* Mark Milbank, S. Craddock
J. Cripps
Cirencester....... 2,493 3,710 D. W. Harvey, W. Mayhew Robert Gordon , Colchester 14,016 42,142 Cricklade
5,615 Ii. F. Cavendish, E. Strutt Derby 17,423 39,4.39 Dover 10,397 16,487 C. P. Thomson, It. H. Stanhope* Downton B 3,114 7,344 J. Creevy*, James Brougham Droittvich 11 9,176 6,762
J. 11. Foley, Sir T. E . Winnington*
Hudson* ,'Thomas Evesham B 1,743 7,432 James Hughes* , Grantham 3,038 4.779 C. F. Norton*, J. Mangles* Guildford B 3,161 7,860 Hastings 5.085 11,942 Frederick North*, J. A. Warm* Hertford.... 4,265 13,493 T. S. Buncombe, J. Curries Ingham Ferrari, A
2,047 Lord Milton*t J. Weyland --, Hindon ,A 415 391 Earl of Sorry, N. IV. It. Colborne Horsham ........ 4,575 2,215 Hull 28,591 77,903 0. Schonswar, W. B. Wrightson.
Hythe B 2,181
J. Loch, S. Marjoribanks Ilchester A 1 809 2,476 1)r. Lushington 1t, Hon. E. Petrel(' Ipswich 17,186 40,925 J. Morrison g, R. Wason* King's Lynn 12,253 25,180 Ld. G. Bentinck, Ld.W. P. Lennox* Knaresborough 5,983 11.194
Lord Waterpark, Sir J. Mackintosh
Lancaster 10,144 34,117
T. Greene, Patrick M. Stewart
Leicester 30,125 57.390
W. Evans, Wynne Ellis *
Leominster 4,646 7,852 W. B. Evans*, Thomas Brayan jun.* Lewes ....... 7,083 15,878 T. R. Kemp, Sir C. R. Blunt * Liverpool 118,972 589,140 W. E wart, J. E. Denison *-j- Sir S. Graham , Ludg,ershall.... A 238
A. W. Hoboes, C. J. Barnett* T. 13. Leonard • Maidstone .. 12,508 33,204 Mahlon ..... ... 13 1,592 4,470 F. Jeffrey+, H. G. Knight* Milton 4,005 10,646 111itlhurst A 1,335 2,716 G.11. Smith, 51.'1'. Smith * Illibourne Port . A 1,440 2,391
C. S. Byng, Richard L. Shell t
Monmouth . 4,164 12,963 13. Ilall* Morpetli 3,415 27,607
W. Ord, Hon. IV. H. Howard Thomas Wilde*
Newark 4.049 13,206 Sir H. Nil. Ridley, J. Hodgson Newcastle-upon-T. 35,181 91,642 Newport, Hants., 4,05:) 9,392 William Mount *, J. J. H. Vere I Sir W. Hornell . Newton, Hants. A 883 2,314 Sir G. Robinson, Vernon Smith * Northampton 10,79:3 21,731 Nottingham 40.415 42,336
Sir R. C. Ferguson, Sir T. Denman Sir T. 13. Martin ,
Plymouth 30,606 39.468 Hon. H.V. S. Jerningham , Pontefract 2,293 4,726 B. L. Lester, W. F. S. Ponsonby Poole 6,390 10,870 Portsmouth 42,051 35,341
J. 13. Carter, F. T. Baring
J. Wood , Preston 12,287 17,568 C. F. Palmer, C. Russell Reading 12,867 36,665 Richmond B 3,546 9,452
Sir It. L. Dundas, J. C. Dundas
Ripon 4,563 11,430 L. H. Petit, G. Spence , Rye, B 1,799 3,615 De Lacy Evans* F. Villiers* , Saltash, . A 774 1,236
J. Marryat, Sir E. T. Trowbridge*
Sandwich .... B 2,912 8,481 Shaftesbury B 2,903 6,960 E. Penryn, L. Maberley Shoreham, New... 1,047 1,046 Sir C. M. Burrell, H. Howard P. H. Slaney --, Shrewsbury 9,801 96,652 A. Atherley*, J. S. Penlease* Southampton 13,353 39,309 Southwark . 85,905 284,367 C. Calvert, IV% Brougham* Stafford 5,7:3(1 5.7S0 J. Campbell, T. Gisborne St. Albans 4,472 32,371
Sir F. Vincent*, Richard Godson* ,
Stamford 2,595 3,351 C. Tennysonll G. R. Philips, E. Blount Steyning, A 1,324 4,411 St. Ives, B 3,596 5,530 J. liaise*, E. L. Bulwer* Stockbridge, A 715 759 Sir S. Canning*, J. Barham* Lord C. V. F. To , wnsend Tam worth 3,592 1,028 E. '1'. Bainbridge, H. Labouchere Taunton 8,534 2,6956 Tavistock 5,483 90,117 Lord J. Russell t, Lord Russell J. Martin , Tewkesbury 2,481 8,625
Thetford B 1,461 2,973 Lord J. Fitzroy --, R. 0. Russell Thirsk 13 1,266 4,301 --, IV. L. Hughes, R. Knight
Wallingford, B
2,093 5,354 Wareham, A 1,931 5,534 0. Calcraft* C. Wood• Warwick 8,235 31,679 J. Tomes, E. B. King* Wefflock ... 8,632 5,406 -----, B. Thompson 'Westbury . 2,117
Sir F. Lopez*, H. Bonnier* Weymouth ...
--, T. F. Buxton, Major Weylandn R. Thickness* -,
Wigan 8,858 36,660
Dr. Lushingtonf, J. Williams
\Vinchelsea, ... A 817 2,230
Windsor 5,698 20,924
E. G. Stanley, J. Ramsbottom
Wycombe 2,864 8,353 Sir T. Baring, Hon. R. J. Smith II Yarmouth, HantsA 564 806
Sir II. Willoughby'' C. Cavendish*
Yarmouth, Norfolk 18,040 24,383 Hon. G. Anson, C. E. Rumbold 881,683 2,333,092/.
For the King and Country, 169 Members, representing 881,683 Consti-
tuents, and Property rated at 2,333,092/.
Population. Property. Members.
42,858 90,512/. Earl of Uxbridge 50,894 138,293 Colonel W. Powell 45,587 151,997 E. M. L. Mostyn* 80,432 325,107 C. R. M. Talbot 301,104 966,681/.
For the King and Country, 5 Members, representing 301,104 Consti tuents, and Property rated at 966,6811, WELSH BOROUGHS.
Beaumaris 2,205
Brecknock 4,193
Denbigh 5,355
Cardiff 21,305 Cardigan 6,890
Carnarvon ...... 10,913 Flint 8,197 Haverfordwest. 1,775
Places. Population. 2,0771. Sir R. B. Bulkeley 9,086 Lord P. J. Stuart 3,596 Pryse Pryse 2930 C. H. R. Morgan 6,859 R. M. Biddulph 8,281 Sir IL B. Phillips 9.618 Sir C. Paget*
Property. Members.
1,933 Sir E. P. Lloyd No Return 60,833 44,3801.
For the King and Country, 8 Members, representing 60,833 Consti- tuents, and Property rated at 44,3801.
A nglesea Cardigan.. . Carmarthen Flint...
Glamorgan ..
81,333 260,772 Sir J. H. Williams*