Lusit S'ecx.u. CONMISSION. — A special commission for the trial of the
rioters in Clare and Limerick, was opened at the latter place on the29th of May. On the 30th, Michael Storm and Michael Devitt were found guilty of using threats towards a man named Martin Kelly, to induce him to enter into an unlawfitl combination with them. The threats were uttered by Devitt ; who told Kelly he would split his head if he did not go with him : the combination was for the purpose of turning up pasture ground. Both prisoners were found guilty. The indictment was a capital one ; and it is said the convicts will be executed. We hope not, It is not for a hasty word that life should be forfeited ; the crime of these men is not otherwise aggravated. Fourteen other men were found guilty on the 30th, and eight on the 31st, of turning up grass lands. The indictment in these cases was not capital; the offence is not yet a hanging one,—though, if Irish landlords had the revising of the criminal laws, it soon would be. The commission leaves the cause of these troubles in the saute obscurity as it found it. • A special commis- sion will open at Galway on the 10th. The "Terry Alts," it is now said, contemplate a combination for refusing to cut down the harvest.
CAPTURE OF TERRY ALTS.—A combined movement of various detach.- ments from different parts of the vanity of Clare, and the county of Gal- way, was executed on the night of Sunday the 22nd May; for the purpose of surrounding and surprising the midnight legislators of the county of Galway. The detachments from Clare consisted of those of the 74thrd of strong Feakle, and Callir ; those of Galway consiste strong parties of the 28th, 50th, and 59th infantry, and a squadron o the 8th Hussars. All these parties met, and formed a grand junction at six o'clock on the morning of Monday, at a given point, at Derrybrien ; having, in their sweeping march, secured. two hundred and sixty-one Terry Alts. The combined parties of Moynochouse and Feakle, of the 74th regiment, succeeded, after a long chase, in securing Michael Con- nelly, a chief leader of the Terry Alts, charged with having directed the late attack on Sir John Bourfse's house, at Marble Riff—Limerick
Tim Piesnea OF run TYNE AND Weee.—Since our last, the workmen at Hetton Colliery, with whom the strike commenced, have resumed their occupations ; and we are informed that the pitmen of the Tyne have either :dreads, followed elle example, Or are about to do so. At any rate, little doubt is entertained that every point in dispute will be satis. factorily arranged in the course of a few days —Durhaoz Chronicle. , InmiLIANK.—The profits of the Provincial Bank of Ireland for the year ending 1831, amount to 21,7971. The dividend for the half- year ending eiidsummer-day next, to be two and a half per cent.