Thiess: I.:11"PS are chiefly famous beranstt they are the only ones whieh are esually Lime:: red by the )rteenee of the Sovereign. George the Fourth, it is well known, was tesetsiing"y fend o't them; and One of his lost prejesitsi V:7:5 t.) sec C•070. year the tests have liven imonouroil ll,.yah v. King was there on '1'nesuley. and (what had been teo !one :.:11.y,.t.r to the FFI:FtS Of 1,001 high tied 10W) the (',sell. T r o:ostos arrived s+ elm after mue oadork ; they were laii•o:v :Is alien ys Willi IWO( ativl long cheering by the de- Their Majesties were accompanied by time Duchess of Saxe 'Weimar, their two sons, and Prime George of Cambridge. The loyal suite coasisted of the Duke of Richmond, Earl and Countess Grey, and the two Ladies Grey, Lord :111wmarle. Jlare::ioueSs of Ely, Earl of 'Mun- ster, Lords Freaericlt Fifttchtteasu, A. Pitzelarence, and E. Fitzelarence, Lord and Lady hooves Lord and Lady Anson, Duke of Dorset, Sir A. Barnard- Earl Grey, the Duke of fziuliawati, and the Earl of Albe-
marle, rode in the carriage with the
t: eseb. New Mile.
Sir. Watson's Ardelia, ts,t. fib. (J. IL,y) Mr. S. Stanley's roe Whig, ost. 7!b 2 5 to 2 an Whig, won by a Iiingt
The Outlands Stakes, of 30 soverci its Burt. 0 subscribers. 2 miles and a half. 2 suhserii,r, paid IO aovertiiins each.
)fir. Mills': Mmiehe, 4 year,:, 7st 5lb (furls) 0 1
111, Majvst y's (ol..r.e..3, vexes, 0.o. 6:I) (Nelson) 0 2 me following starlet', Valultiai'ii Whip, .l years, 7st. 4lb. ; Duke of IttnlanTs Oppitbm, ; Lard Exeter's All:Isttis, 4 years, Sat. ; Mr. Salter's Design, 4 y,:ors, 7st. 4i!).
Dettinj-7 to 4 av;st. to 2 test. Oppician, t; to 1 agst. Augustus, 5 to 1 agst Whip, ;tad 7 to I pgst. Monehe. Whip took the lead at a mod: rate pare, the C.:01,nel being on his quarers for about at quarter of a mile, when hc gave place to NIonche. They maintained this order of runtlire.t till the turn for straight running, where Whip resigned to Mouclie, the ti al place being a her tritely rice:Inlet! by Augustus, Oppidan, :Led The Colossi. Near lite distance The Colonel wii.; well up with Mouche and Whip, passing
the hitter ill alter, and apparrnti y laving the race in hand ; however he did not ed. In front till fiat last three or four strides, and then only bad his head before tne mare, who, hi the very last at ride, by a rizorinta effort, made it a dead heat_ In th, eolund, who was lengths. This was owing to his havinzt,,,,ken down ammo 1 a mile from home, m.:witlistanding which he ran with great game a., the distance. where Nelson. i,t1::r4 something was amiss, very pruthrntly declined. The mare made ail the work, and was never headed. Sweepstakes of 100 sovereigns each. h. ft. for 3 year old cults, bst.iih.-3lb. allowed, tee.- oei enic. Fifteen subscribers. Mr.Vansittart's ch. by St Patrick, out of st:alrt, SU-7lb (Boyce) 1 Lord Lowther's Dispatch, by Partisan, Sat. 711. (Wheatley)...... 2 Lard Chesterfield's, by Middleton Oat of Cressida, test. 4i1r.
(Conelk) 3
Duke of it inland's Clansman, Set. 4ib. (Robinson) 4 Melting-2 to i and 5 to 2 on Clansman, and S to I agst. Slight. His 'sfejesty's Plate of AO guineas; 4 years, lest. 711). ; 5 years, list. sib.; 6 years, Ilst. 121b.; and aged I2st. Four miles.
Duke of IlUtland's Oppidan, 6 years (Robinson) Lord Exeter's alahmauti, 4 years (Arnull) .... .•. 2
Lord Ongley's Suffolk Punch. 4 years (Haedunald).... 3 Mr. 1/uncles's Honest Robin, 5 years (Dockeray) 4 Mr. Thornhill's Hindostan, 6 years CC. Day) Mr. Dickinson's The Unfortunate Youth, 4 years (Brown)
Bettina-7 to 4 agst. Mahmoud, 5 to 2 nest. Oppidan, and 6 to 1 agst. Hin- dustan. Hindostan made lire: running at a goad pace, and kept in front for the first two miles ; Suffolk Punch then took it up at increased speed, keeping the lead to the distance, wherre he was challenged and beet by alahmoud. About half a distance front home Oppidan got up to Mainnoud, and between these two a tremendous struggle ensued, Oppidan winning by a head only. Siveepstakee of 100 sovereigns each, h. et..fer 3 year old colts, Sst. 71b and fillies, 84. 41b. New mile. Eleven subscribers.
Lord Verulam's c. Vestris (Conelly) : Duke of Grnfton's IEneas, out of Pantile (J. Day).• • 2
Mr. Stonehewer's L Lioness (Robinson', 3 The following-are not placed-Lord Exoter`e Anthony ( A mull) ; Duke of Rich- mond's Fleas (Boyce); General Grosvenor's earpeden (Wheatley).
Betting-6 to .1 agst. Anthony, 3 to 1 :keit. Veetris (takete, iitI5 to 1 agst. Elves. JEneas made the running to the distance, with the others well laid up Anthony, Vestris, and Lioness then closed with him, and made a close and rather sharp race till within a few strides of the chair, when Vestris let loose and won cleverly by a length. Sweepstakes of 100 sovereigns each h. ft. for fillies, Set. 51b. Oid Mile. Twelve subscribers.
Duke of Grafton's Oxygen (J. Day) Lord Exeter's Marmora, out of Miss Caton (Arnull)...... ..... 2 Lord Lowther's f. by Partisan, d. by Rubens (Wheatey) 6 to 4 on Oxygen, who made all the running, and won cleverly by a length. Match-50 sovereigns, h. t't. New mile.
Harrison's Miss Craven, 8st. (Pavis) Mr. Day's Augur, Set. ;lb 2 Won by a head.
Match, 100 sovereigns, 8st. 51b. each. T. Y. C.
Mr. Gardnor's Tarquin, by Moses (Pavis) ..... Mr. lticardo's hl. c. by Whalebone, dam by Octarlue ...... 2 Won cleverly by a length. No betting.
Wednesday, June 1.
Sweepstakes of 100 sovereigns each, h. ft. for the produce of mares covered in 1827; colts, Set. 71b. ; Mllicc, Sot. 416. New Mile. Four subscribers.
Mr. Thornhill'e e Earwig, by Emilius . Lord Warwick's f. Water Witch, by Whalebone 2 Mr. Theobald'e f. by Smolenskn, d. by Don Cossack 3 6 to 4 on Water Witch, and 3 to 1 eget each of the others. Won by half a length, rather cleverly. The Albany Stakes of 50 sovereigns each. h. ft. for three year old colts, 8st. 71b-, fillies. Set. 311,. New Mile. Four subscribers.
Lord Exeter's themus Armin ) . . . . walked over. Sweepstakes of 50 sovereigns each. 30 ft. for two year olds, cults, 8st. 71b. ; fillies, 8st. 4th. Last half of the New Mile. Sixteen subscribers.
General Yates's b. c. Archibald, by Paulowite Lord Exeter's c. by Sultan. out of Miss Cantley 2 General Yates's ch. c. by Bedlamite, out of Zara
The following also et acted, but were nut placed His Majesty's ch. c. by Water- loo or Middleton, dam by Gobans a (Nelson) ; Lord Chesterfield's hr. f. Kittums, by Abjer (Conelly) ; Lord Worcester's Haymaker,by Wrarefler (T. Rubinson) ; Mr. Wreford's Gratis, by Middleton (S. Day); Lord Sefton's Will Scarlet, by Robin Hood. Betting at starting, 5 to 2 eget. Miss Cantley; 3 to 1 agst. Archibald ; 4 to I agst. Gratis ; 9 to 2 agst. Zara ; and 6 to 1 agst. the King's. Won by half a length only.
The Swinley Stakes of 25 sovereigns each, for three year olds, 7st. 41b. and four years, Sst. beb. allotted 31b. Mile and a half. Three subscribers. Lord Exeter's At:ensue:, 4 years 1 Lord Orford's Naiad, 3 years.., 3 to 1 on Augustus. Won by a head only.
The Brigade Cup, by subscription of 15 sovereigns each, b. ft. for horses bond fide the property of Officers of the Household Troops, three years, 6st. 41b. ; four years, Set. ; five years, fist. 1016. ; six years, list. ; and aged, 9st. 21b. Mares and geldings allowed 31b. Two miles. Seven subscribers. Lord Ranelagh's Donegani, 4 years Mr. Gardnor's Emmeline, 6 years 2 5 to 2 on Donegani, who won cleverly by a length. Match, 100 sovereigns each. Two miles. Mr. Osbaldiston's Apuntador, 4 years, lOst. 916. (Owner) 0 Mr. Huegerford's Camillus, aged, 12st. 216. (Mr. Bouverie) 0 Apuntador the favourite. A dead beat, after a race of great severity.
Thursday, June 2.
Match-200 sovereigns each, h. ft. 8st. 716. each. New Mile. Lord Verulam's Vestris received from the Duke of Itutiand's Clansman.
The Windsor Forest Stakes of 50 sovereigns each, for 3 year-old fillies, Sst. 41b. The winner of the Oaks. Ste. to carry 516. extra. The Old Mile. 4 subscribers. Lord Exeter's. Marmora walked over.
The Royal Stakes of 100 sovereigns each, 11. ft. for 3 year-old colts, 8st 71b. The Old Mile. 7 subscribers.
Lord Exeter's limmus, by Sultan Duke of Portland's Amphictron 2 Duke of Richmond's Lochinvar 3 5 to 2 on 11;emus ; won cleverly by half a length,-rode by Artful], Aruphictyon by J. Day, and Lochinvar by Boyce. The Gold Cup. About two miles and a half. 5 subscribers.
Sir M. Wood's Cetus, 4 years
Lord Exeter's Augustus, 4 years 2 Betting-6 to 5 on Cetus; a severe, punishing. race.
Sweepstakes of 30 sovereigns each, eft ft. for 2 year-old mite, 516. ; and fillies Sat. 216. The winner of a sweepstakes before the day of naming to carry 31b. extra. T. Y. C. 10 subscribers.
ed Exeter's c. by sultan out of Miss Cantley Colunel Peel's ch. c. by Bedlamite out of Zora 2 The following also started but were not placed :-Lord Lowther's b.f by Partisan out of Bizarre (Wheatley) ; Mr. Grant's le f. by Partisan out of Fatima (Conelly) ; Mr. Gratwicke s gr. Eby Middleton out of Jest (F. Buckle); Mr. J. Day's ch. f. by Burgundy out of Victin ine (Pavis); Colonel Peel's Archibald (Bryce); Mr. S. Day's f. L'Ainiti, et Day). Betting-6 to 4 agst. Archibald ; 4 to 1 agst. Bizarre ; 5 to 1 agst. Zora; and 5 to 1 agst. Miss Cantley. A Plate of 501.; 3 yrs. 7st. 416. ; 4 yrs. Sit. 716. ; e yrs. list. 1Ib ; 6 yrs. and aged Jet. 51b. Maree allowed 31b. ; winners extra. Mile-and-a-half Lord Worcester's Carthago, aged (Robinson) Sir G. Ileetheate's Cantatrice, 4 yr, 2 to 1 on Carthago, who won by a length mole Match, loo sovereigns. Two miles. Mr. Gardnor's Leander, 3 yrs. 7st. (Pates), beat Sir. Dockeray's Abel, 5 yrs. Set.
91b. No betting. Match, 5(1. New Mile. Mr. Weeke's Dolly Spicer, 5 yrs. Set. Itib. beat Captain Anderson's Jonathan. 4 yrs. est. 416. 5 to 2 on Dolly.
His Majesty and suite visited the race-ground for a second time on Thursday. The Royal party was composed on the occasion of the Duke and Duchess of Saxe Weimar, and their sons, Prince George of Cum- berland, and Prince Leopold. In the suite of their Majesties were the Duke of Dorset, Duke of Richmond, Miss D' Este, Lord Albemarle, Earl of Mu ester, Lord F. Fitzclarence, Earl and Countess Grey, and the Ladies Grey. Sir A. Barnard, Lord Howe, Miss Gore, Rev. Lord E. Fitzclarence, Marquis and Marchioness of Ely, Prince Esterhazy, Sir H. Taylor, Sir F, 1Vatson Earl of Belfast, Lord Valletort, and several others. In the course of the day, some strolling glee-singers, attempt- ing to approach the Royal Stand, were rudely repulsed by the police. The King immediately interposed, commanded the minstrels to come forward, listened to their ditty, and gave them a sovereign with his own hand. The assemblage of people on Thursday has not been equalled,
perhaps, since the races were instituted. It is said to have exceeded
that which congregated in 1815 to see the Allied Sovereigns. Among the company, the reporter mentions the following-
Duke of Grafton, Bliuquie of Worcester, Marquis of Exeter, Marquis Graham, Marquis of Tavietock, Marquis and Marehinness of Londonderry; Martial,: Chine- earde, Earl of Verulam, Earl and Countess of Jersey, Earl Wilton, Earl and Countess of Chesterfield, Earl Orford, Earl of Southampton, Earl Stradbroke, Lord, Brudenell, Lord Villiers, Lord Ranelagh, Lord Gardiner, Lord Lowther. Lord and, Lady Anson, Lord Fitzharris, Lord G. Bentinck, Lord John Fitzroy, Lord James Fitzroy, Lord W. Lennox, Lord !Alford, Lord Forester, Lord Manners, Lord. Alien, Counts Bathiany and Matuschevitz, Hon. R. Grosvenor, Hon. Colonel and Sirs. Anson, Hon. C. Forester, Hon. B Craven, Hon. F. Stanhope, Celonel Cosby, Colonel Sowerby, Colonel Russell, Colonel Peel, Colonel Udney, Colonel Wood, Colonel Charterie, Colonel Drummond, Captain Dyne, Captain Grant, Captain. Buller, Captain Buliceley, Captain Rouverie, Captain Hinder, Messrs. e: Greville, Batson, Stonelleiver, S. Stanley, Locke, Rush, Waddington, Sec. Sir Mark Wood, Sir Vincent Cotton, Sir Lewin Glyn, and Sir S. Graham.
Friday, June 4th. The Wokingham Stakes of 5 sovereigns each, for 3 yr. olds, Sec. The last three quarters of a mile. I8 subscribers. Lord Worcester's Carthago, aged, est. 101b Lord Uxbridge names Clio. 4 yes. ist. 121b. 2 r. Rush's f. by Partisan out of Chintz, 4 yrs. 7st. 91b 3 The following also started, but were not placed by the Judge :-Lord Chesterfield's Splendour, -I yrs. 8st. 51b. (Conelly); Captain Gardnor's Etnmelina, 6 yrs. 8st. 41b. (F. Buckle) Lord Verulam names Landrail, 4 yrs. ist. 1316. (C..Edwards) ; Duke of Richmond's Elves. 3 yrs. 7st. Sib. (Pavis); Sir G. Heathcote's Shrine, 3 yrs. 7st. (Young Farrell) ; Lord Exeter's f., by Sultan out of Dulcinea, 3 yrs. 6st. 101h. (Knot); Lord Errol names c. by Whalebone, out of Electress, 3 yrs. fist. 81b. (S.. Rogers) ; Lord Orford names Keepsake, yrs. fist. 71b. (Chapple). Betting-5 to 2 agst. Carthago (takene 3 to I agst. Dalcinea, 8 to 1 agst. Emmeli- ne, 8 to I agst. Splendour, and 10 to 1 agst. Keepsake. Sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each, h. ft., for horses (lost. 71b. each) belonging to members of While's, Crockford's, the Rooms at Newmarket, or Officers of the Household Troop., and to be ridden by the same. New mile. The winner to be sold for 200 guineas, &e. 14 subscribers.
Mr. 11I'Dorialal names Guildford, 5 yrs 1 Lord Ranelagh's Queen of Hearts,5 les. 2 Mr. George Byng's Miss Craven, aged .. 3 Mr. Gardnor's Emmeline, 6 yrs 4 Colonel Cosby names Ofellus, 5 yrs 5 Betting-6 too net. Miss Craven ; and 2 to 1 agst. Guildford. Match, 2110 sovereigns, II. ft.
Sir Jame.; Rom well's gr. ce by Straitwaist, out of Fair Helen, received from Mr. Te Goodlake's b. e., by Champignon, cl. by Waxy. Both 2 yrs. old, Sst. 3 lb. each. His Majesty's Plate of 101 guineas for hunters : 5 yrs. I 1st. 71b. ; 6 yrs. llst.121b4: and aged. 12st. Two miles, and a.distance.
Mr. F. Charlton's Falconbridge,5 yrs Mr. Tilbury's Smuggler, aged 2
Sir. Chieney's Flaerow, 5 yrs 3
Mr. Beecher's Picturesque. 6 yrs........ 4 Betting-6 to 4 on Fiacrow, and 5 to 1 against Falconbridge. Won cleverly by a length.
Match, 100 sovereigns. Two miles.
Mr. W. Day's Augur. 5 yrs. Sst Lord Ranelagh's Donegani, 4 yrs. Set. 2lb 2 Wnn by a length.
Meta, 100 sovereigns, h. ft. One mile. Sir. Oebalcliston's b. c. Apuntador, 4 yrs. lOst. 911, 1 Sir. Hungerford's ch. g. Camillus, aged, 1Sst. 21b... 2 Betting-13 to 8 on Anundator. Won by about three-quarters of a length. A plate of501., 3 yrs. 7st.716.; 4 yrs. 8st. 71b. ; 5 yrs. Ost.; 6 yrs. and aged, 9st. 41b.. Mares allowed 3 lb. Winners extra. Old mile.
Lord Chesterfield's Splendour, 4 yrs 1 Mr. ,l. Day's Busk, aged' 2 Mr. Sadler's Keepsake, 3 yrs. Mr. Rush's f., by Partisan, out of Chintz,e1 yrs. 4 The following were not placed:-Mr. Stonehewer's Ipsala, 4 yrs. ; Mr. Stanley's The Whig, 3 yrs.; Mr. Pierce's Brunett, 4 yrs.; Mr. Dickenson's The Unfortunate • Youth, 4 yeti ; Mr. Gardnor's King William, 4 yrs.; and Mr. Wagstaff 's Landratl, 4
Betting-7 to 4 agst. Busk ; 7 to 2 egg. Ipsala ; 5 to 1 agst. Splendour; and 5 to 1 agst. King William ; won cleverly by a length.
ST. LEGE2-6 to I egst. Riddlesworth ; 11 to 1 apt. Marcus ; 13 to 1 agst. Zany;.. 13 to 1 agst. The Saddler ; 13 to 1 agst. Liverpool ; 18 to 1 agst. Circassian ; 25 to I agst. Colwick ; 25 to 1 agst. Bras de Fer ; 2d to 1 agst. Frederica ; 30 to I agst. In- cubus; -10 to I agst. Roubilliac; 40 to 1 agst. Slight ; 30 to 1 agst. Victoire.