4 JUNE 1853, Page 11



At the outset, he disposed of the appeal for delay, by representing that delay is unnecemary as regards information, and, in the opinion of Lord Dalhousie and Lord Hardinge, politically hazardous in India. Sir Charles dwelt very much on the petition of the Native Association of Madras, to show that its statements are exaggerated misrepresentations. Having cleared the ground so far, he reviewed retrospectively and in suc- cession the great constituent elements of British administration in India. -internal government, judicial administration, public works, revenue, Ac. ; giving a rather optimist account of our rule, and arriving at the eft- elusion that we have not "disgracefully neglected our possessions in India." Against the proposal of Mr. Bright and others for the establish- ment of what is called the "single Government," he cited the opinions of Mr. John Stuart Mill, Mr. Halliday, Sir Charles Trevelyan, Lord Hard- inge, and Mr. Marshman. Towards the close of his speech he described the provisions of the measure which Ministers mean to propose.

It is proposed to leave the relations of the Board of Control and the Board of Directors as they stand; but to change the constitution, and limit the patronage of the Court of Directors. The thirty members of the Court are to be reduced to eighteen-twelve elected in the usual way, and six nomi- nated by the Crown from persona who have been Indian servants for ten years. 'That will obviate the objection that the best of the Indian servants do not always obtain a seat at the Court of Directors." One-third of this

number will go out every second year, ' but be again eligible. This change to take place gradually : in the first instance the thirty directors to elect fifteen, and the Crown nominate three. The Directors to receive salaries of 500/. a year, and the Chairman and Deputy-Chairman 1000/. a year. The proposed form of Government to continue until Parliament shall otherwise provide. With respect to patronage, now entirely in the hands of the Court of Directors, it is proposed to do away with nomination by favour altogether, and to make civil and scientific appointments depend on merit alone. On this point Sir Charles was very emphatic. Hiuleybury and Addiscombe "shall be thrown open to unlimited competition. If the aristocracy are able to introduce themselves to Indian service, I shall be exceedingly glad ; if the son of a horse-dealer can introduce himself in that way, I shall also be exceedingly glad. Merit and merit alone, shall be the test." But what are called direct appointments to the army are not fit subjects for competition ; the Directors will continue to appoint, subject to the approbation of the Crown.

No change will be made in the general con‘l which the Governor-Ge- neral exercises over the Indian Government ; but as he has more duties than he can fairly discharge as Governor of Bengal, a Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal will be appointed. It is proposed to continue the Lieutenant-Gover- nor of Agra, and to appoint a new Presidency on the Indus. A temporary Commission will be appointed in England to digest and put into shape the draughts and reports of the Indian Law Commission appointed in 1833. As legislation on that digest must take place in India, it is pro- posed to improve and enlarge the Legislative Council giving the Governor- General power to select two, the heads of the Presidencies one each, and making the Chief Justice of the Queen's Court and one other Judge members, in all twelve : the Governor-General to have a veto on their legislation.

The education at Haileybiuv will be improved both in the course and in the examinations ; great addition being made to the legal education ; and the final examinations to be made by independent examiners.

An improvement is to be made in the superior Courts. At present there is the Queen's Court for the English, and the Budder Adawlut" : it is pro- posed to consolidate both, and make the Court of Amalgamated Judges supreme in matters of appeal. Minor courts to be instituted in each of the towns of the Presidencies; and the Judges of the Amalgamated Court occasionally employed as a special commission to try causes in any part of the country. It is proposed to raise the character, acquirements, and salary of the Native judges.

Towards the close of his speech, Sir Charles Wood expressed a strong opinion in favour of improving the education of the Natives, as a means of elevating their condition and moral tone : he believed that it would not weaken but strengthen our hold upon the empire.

The only speech which followed Sir Charles Wood's was from Mr. 1311IGHT, in a spirit of hostile criticism ; and the debate was adjourned till Monday.

Mr. Dissittatu, in moving for several returns connected with the recent measures for conversion of Stock, gave notice that when they were laid on the table he purposed to take as early an opportunity as the business of the House would allow to call the attention of the House to the present state of the finances of the country.

In reply to a question and statement by the Earl of MALXESBURY, the Earl of CLLRENDON stated that Sir Charles Hotham had concluded a treaty by which the Parana had been opened as far as the city of Assump- tion. He believed the treaty would be ratified and the great water-courses of South America would be opened.

Lord Bzeursoler put forth recapitulations and strictures on the late treaty respecting the succession to the crown of Denmark, in moving for a copy of that instrument; and he asked for explanations. The Earl of Ciskszynole replied by stating that a copy of the treaty was at the noble Lord's service ; that the other papers were too voluminous-[1600 printed folios]-that the male branch of the Holstein family had not been "skipped over " ; and that the Emperor of Russia had put forward no undue claims.