Two statements reporting the march of Russian troops on Turkey
reach us this morning. The one comes from Paris, and asserts that "the Russian army is marching on the Turkish frontier," and that "the French squadron has anchored in the Bay of Besika." The other de- spatch comes from Berlin vie Paris, and is dated 2d June. It states that "the fourth corps d'armee of Poland, under General Denenberg, had just received orders from St. Petersburg to proceed by forced marches to Bess- arabia, to replace the Russian army encamped on the frontiers of Mol- davia, which is destined to invade the Principalities on the 10th instant." It is probable that both statements arise from one source, and refer to some movement of troops in Russia.
Accounts from Berne confirm the intelligence printed elsewhere, that diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Austria have not been sus- pended. In consequence of a note from Count Buol, the Federal Council haVe instructed the Swiss Minister at Vienna to remain at his post.