4 JUNE 1853, Page 19


An entertainment under this title, consisting of lecture and diorama, in Which the former bears a rather more important proportion than usual to the latter, courts public notice at the Linwood Gallery. The line of travel passes from North to South of the Peninsula, through the Basque provinces, both Castiles, Madrid, Granada, Cordova, Seville, Xeres, and Cadiz, to Gibraltar. There is much to interest in the journey, for both scenery and associations ; but we think a little more peculiarity, a greater diversity in effect, and in the points of view and accessory incidents, would have been found to increase its general attractiveness. There seem to be fewer points in it than in some other dioramas, although the changes of view are plentiful. However, it occupies a respectable if not a striking position among exhibitions of its kind.