4 JUNE 1853, Page 8

qr Court

Qintex Vic...roma has once more entered on that active life of business and pleasure which characterizes her Majesty's residence in town. On Wednesday, she held a Court at Buckingham Palace. Deputations from the Corporation and the Lieutenancy of London City were introduced by Lord Palmerston, to receive her Majesty's commands relative to the re- ception of addresses of congratulation on the birth of a Prince. Her Majesty fixed this day. The Duke of Genoa, introduced by Lord Clarendon, and attended by the Marquis d'Azeglio, had an audience of the Queen, on his arrival in England. Mr. Buchanan, Minister at the Court of Denmark, had an audience to take leave. Lord Clarendon had an audience. In the even- ing, the Duke of Genoa dined with the Queen : among the guests were the Marquis Emanuel d'Azeglio and the Chevalier Massimo d'Azeglio, Lord Aberdeen, Lord John Russell, Lord Lansdowne, Lord Clarendon, and the Marquis de St. Marson.

On Thursday, the Queen held a drawingroom at St. James's Palace. The Duke of Genoa was present. The attendance was unusually large, and no fewer than two hundred ladies were presented. In the afternoon the Queen and Prince Albert drove out ; and in the evening attended the Royal Italian Opera. The Queen visited the Countess de Neuilly, at Claremont, on Tuesday. On Saturday, the Hereditary Grand Duke and Duchess of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, and the Duchess Caroline of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, visited _the Queen.

• Twice,her Majesty_ and Priricc.pkoAtyteAded the French Plays

—on Saturcky end Mitnday. . Early on Monday, the Queen, Irrinc'e 'Albert, and the Princess Royal, inspected the exixibition of cabinet work at Gore House, and walked round the gardens.

The Queen .gave p. concert last night at Buckingham Palace. Nearly four hundred Invitations were issued; and the guests included the Royal Family, the Duke of Genoa, and the Corps Diplomatique.