- CO Vrouiurro.
The return of Mr. Roundell Palmer as Member for Plymouth was de- cided on Thursday. At the close of the poll, the numbers were—Palmer 944, Braine 876.
Mr. Aspinwall, the Conservative candidate, has been elected Member for Clitheroe, by a narrow majority. The numbers were—Aspinwall, 213; Fort, 207.
The parishioners of Falmouth assembled in Vestry have exhibited their feeling against church-rates by making the assessment very small, yet not disobeying the law. All items of expense not compulsory were struck out, and the compulsory ones were reduced to the lowest amount candles were disallowed ; the organ-blower's salary was stopped, and the clerk's was reduced to 11. By these means a threehalfpenny rate sufficed instead of a fourpenny one. In 1654 Sir Isaac Newton entered the Grammar School at Grantham as a free boy. Next year, on the two hundredth anniversary of that event, the Town-Council of Grantham propose to erect a statue to his memory ; and they have accordingly granted a site on St. Peter's Hill, and 1001. for the preparation of the ground.
The reports of the progress of the various regiments of Militia in their military training are very favourable. Generally, the men are well-be- haved when off duty ; though here and there a black sheep is found who discreditably figures before the Magistrates.
The master shipbuilders and workmen of Shields have come to terms. There is not an operative of any kind at Shields and the neighbouring parts who is capable of doing a day's work but is in full employment, with wages at least 4s. a week above the ordinary standard.
The joiners and carpenters of Birmingham have resumed work, having accepted the terms offered by the masters—an increase of threepence a day, shop work to cease at five o'clock on Saturdays, and out-door work at four.
Mr. John Matthew Barnett, a young operative chemist of Louth, has lost his life by an explosion. Barnett was a partner in the manufacture of "Nelthorpe and Bamett's fog-signals" for railways ; he was making a large number of the signals for the Lancashire and 'Yorkshire Railway ; on the morning of Thursday week he was in the factory alone, when the place was shattered to pieces by an explosion, and Mr. Barnett was found dread- fully mutilated : though still able to speak, in a few minutes death termi- nated his sufferings. Mr. Barnett had a "melt" in his hand ; Mr. Nel- thorpe is of opinion that be was experimenting on a small portion of the de- tonating powder used in making the signals, and that some scattered particles ignited and fired the whole stock in the place. A Coroner's Jury pronounced the death "accidental."
John Dutton, a guard, has perished by an accident on the railway at Wormald's Green, five miles from Ripon. As a passenger-train was pro- ceeding, the tire of the off leading wheel of the engine broke ; the engine and tender separated from the train, and darted forward; the guard's van was overturned, and then pushed forward by the impetus of the carriages till it came up with the engine, which had been stopped. There were only two passengers, and they were not hurt or even alarmed. The guard had either leaped from the van or fallen from it just as it turned over, and the ponderous mass passed over his body. At present, the only fact apparent as the cause of the accident was the breaking of the tire.
The Directors of the South Wales Railway have held an inquiry at Chep- stow into the recent collision near Lidney. It appears that the engine which was stationary on the line bad become so from want of water, the driver having neglected to take in a proper supply. He got horses to pull the engine forward out of the way of the mail-train, and had made some pro- gress when the engine stuck fast in a curve. Danger-signals were placed on the rails to warn the mail-train to stop; but the driver and fireman either did not hear these signals explode, or neglected the warning. The driver was fined 51. and the fireman 1/. for neglecting the signals ; and the driver of the engine which stopped up the line was dismissed the service for not taking in a proper supply of water.