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FRANCE.—The troops at Satory were reviewed on Sunday by the Em- peror. He arrived from St. Cloud in the middle of the day, and mounted his horse in the yard of the Palace at Versailles. The Duke of Genoa, and General Ougaref, an aide-de-camp of the Emperor Nicholas, were present. At the close, the Empress drove up, accompanied by Marshal Valliant and the Duchess of Bassano. The weather was bad, but the review magnificent.
A grand ball was given at St. Cloud on Monday, in honour of the Duke of Genoa. The Emperor danced with the Princess Mathilde, and the Duke of Genoa danced with the Empress. Among the company were the Duke and Duchess of Hamilton and Marshal Narvaez.
The Legislative Body was formally closed on the 28th May, by M. Baroche the President. Among the commonplaces of a short parting address, he stated that the Legislative Body had voted one hundred and thirteen laws of private interest and seventy-three of public utility ; had improved the different branches of the administration, and had reformed the budget.
TIIRKEY.—Throughout the week we have had contradictory reports from Constantinople, complicated by the brief anticipatory announce- ments of the telegraph, the lagging chronology of the longer despatches, and the different sources whence they reach us. By the regular chan- nels we have no news later than the 23d of May. At that date Prince Menschikoff had left Constantinople, and arrived at Odessa. Thence, it is supposed, he set out at once for St. Petersburg. These are the only unquestionable facts we have received. On the 17th and 18th of last month, when the demand for the Pro- tectorate was finally refused, meetings of no fewer than fifty-seven mili- tary chiefs and statesmen, including Kosrew and Raouf Pashas, were held; and after the meeting on the 18th the Sultan is reported to have addressed his Ministers.
"Ho said that he had, with his Government, done all that depended on him to maintain with honour friendly relations with Russia ; that he could not do more unless he had consented to his dishonour; that he had strong hopes the affair would be arranged amicably ; but that if it were the will of God that war should break out, he would remember that he was the son of the Sultans, and that he should do his utmost to show himself the worthy descendant of his ancestors."
Instead of submission, we now hear that a "patriotic ardour" per- vades the Turkish population ; that the names of England and France are pronounced with affection ; that the "Redifs" or national militia, to the number of 260,000, have received orders to form themselves into several camps; that the fleet of Abbas Pasha, and the fleet under Achmet Pasha, were expected at Constantinople ; that the army of Omer Pasha had been ordered to march to Shumla ; and that 30,000 Egyptian troops were on their way to the Bosphorus. Somewhat late in the day, the Journal des Daats has discovered, that in his earliest communications with the Porte a demand equivalent to the Protectorate was made by Prince Menschikoff; that it was disregarded ; and that the Sultan, with the approval of M. de la Cow', agreed only to the convention respecting the Holy Places. Then Prince Mensehikoff revived the old demand, and on the 5th of last month presented a new note, an emendation of previous communications. " The amended draft of convention was therefore annexed to the note of the 5th ultimo. It is composed of six articles. It is the first article which is the most important ; it states that there shall not be made any change in the rights, privileges, and immunities which are now enjoyed, or have been possessed ab antique by the churches, the religious institutions, and the or- thodox clergy throughout the extent of the possessions of the Sublime Otto- man Porte, which is pleased to secure the said rights to them on the basis of the status quo now existing.' " It is this article on which the rupture of diplomatic relations has taken place. But it is urged, with apparent truth, that this is not the same article as that presented on the 221 of March, when Prince Menschikoff first rudely assailed the Divan. That article included, it is believed, the investiture of the Patriarch of Constantinople. The Daats admits that it has " undergone alterations, in compliance with objections urged by Rifaat Pasha " ; and it is therefore supposed that Prince Menschikoff had sent to St. Petersburg for fresh instructions before he presented his second and modified demand for the Protectorate.
SWITZERLAND.—Intelligenee from Switzerland has been extremely scanty ; but it is believed that, on the withdrawal of Count Karnichi, the Federal authorities took measures for placing the Confederation in a state to resist aggression. General Dufour would seem to have been named Commander-in-chief. But the report now is, that Count Buol, Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs, has notified to the Swiss authorities, that he did not intend Count Karnichi to withdraw permanently : and that the Charge d'Affaires would return. How far this explanation of a diplomatic blunder will suffice to heal the rupture, remains to be seen.
BELorum.—King Leopold returned to Brussels on Saturday ; greeted on his way with congratulatory addresses, mainly approving of the con- templated marriage of his son.
On Monday, the Premier, M. de Brouckere, formally announced the marriage in the Chamber of Representatives at Brussels. In the course of his speech he said- " The future Duchess of Brabant belongs by birth to a house which is as illustrious by its virtues, as it is great by its destinies. By the endearments of her benevolent nature, her devoted character, and all the virtues by which she is distinguished, the Archduchess Marie promisee to restore to Belgium with their cherished name the fair and popular images of Marie Therese and Louise Marie. The examples which she will find around her will continue while they complete the traditions of her family. Like the King and his noble sons, she will identify herself with all the sentiments of a people renowned for its loyalty and frankness, its attachment to its manners, institutions, and independence. A Belgian by adoption, she will become one in heart. She will become a pledge of the perpetuity and felicity of our dynasty, as she is already a pledge of the security of our country. Belgium now sees herself attached by new bonds to an ancient monarchy essentially interested in consolidating the peace of the world, and in safeguarding in concert with other powers the treaties which have consecrated our nationality." The Chamber loudly applauded ; and resolved, on a set day, to go in a body and congratulate the King. The message to the Senate was simi- larly received.
ITALY.—Naples has long been notorious for rivalling Austria in sub- jecting English travellers to annoyance. It appears that the names of Englishmen suspected of Democratic or Liberal politics are communicated by the Police of one nation to another ; and when an Englishman bear- ing the name of an English Liberal, or something like it, arrives at Na- ples, he is in some way annoyed by the Police. I..ately, a Mr. William Henry Wilson of Liverpool, arrived at Naples in the steamer Tiber ; the Police have a like name on their books ; and Mr. Wilson was not per- mitted to land for five days, although the English Minister made repeated applications for permission. It was probable that the steamer would be compelled to leave the Bay before the time had expired.
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.—Advices from Cape Town to the 21st April have been received by the Bosphorus.
On the morning of the 21st the Lady Jocelyn anchored in Table Bay, having on board the long-expected Constitution. The Zuid Afrikaan, in its issue of the 21st, not havinep yet heard of the arrival of the Con- stitution, concluded its summary of news as follows-
" The people here are looking anxiously for the Constitution, which has been so long looming in the future,' and which fell dead as the Budget under the late Ministry. Lord Grey was warned in 1850 that there was danger in delay. He found it so in more senses than one. But the Duke
of Newcastle may be assured that the danger of delay never was so great, so certain, so imminent, as at this moment. The elements of the South
African world require only a slight mistake or two on the part of Govern- ment to come to one universal explosion. They may be referred to the evidence of the Natal Commission for proof of this. What is true of Natal is equally true of Caffraria and the whole region round about. The neigh- bourhood of the colony and the interior for many hundreds of miles, are no longer held by naked, ill-armed, or timid barbarians. Wherever you go,
the gun and the horse meet your eye, with thousands of bold men who know, or are fast learning, how to manage both. To hold their own, the colonists must be united; and union can be effected only, for such a purpose, by the enjoyment of political freedom—by the enjoyment of equal rights—by mu- tual confidence between the governors and the governed." But subsequently came the Lady Jocelyn, and "private letters," an- nouncing the Constitution ; and this welcome intelligence, with a head- line of large capitals, immediately follows the passage quoted above. An extract from one of the private letters is printed in the Zustl Afrikaan- " No one out of the Office can see the Cape Constitution Ordinance, as now sent out, until the mail leaves, as General Cathcart should be the first
to know its details : yet I can guess pretty well that the only stumbling- block, viz, the franchise, is disposed of by compromise ; the higher 50/. being made the basis of the Higher Chamber of Legislature, and the lower 251. of the Lower House, as the Attorney-General suggested, and as I have taken upon myself to recommend as most likely to satisfy all parties—at least more so than any other plan. I felt sure of this, that the Constitution anyhow
was better than further delay, and this was the language I have invariably held. Now you have got it, I congratulate you, and must be allowed to
share in the triumph which crowns our united efforts of so long duration. I continue to feel the greatest confidence in the Duke of Newcastle, that he will carry out to the fullest extent the principles of our Colonial Reform Society, and Mr. Gladstone and Sir William Molesworth go heartily with Giving great praise to Mr. Adderley, the journal promises that the " movement " of the delegates will cease, now that their point is gained ; and the general satisfaction of the colonists may be estimated from the closing sentences which we reprint- " As the mail starts this afternoon, and as the Constitution is not officially announced, time does not allow to say more than this—That as her Majesty's
will and pleasure, declared so long ago as 1850, that her faithful people at the Cape should be put in the full enjoyment of British Freedom, IS about to be accomplished by her Majesty's express command—the Twenty-fourth Day of May next, the anniversary of her auspicious birth, should be cele- brated as an Universal Jubilee throughout this free colony."
The other news is not of moment The terms of the peace have been received with more satisfaction as they seem to have been better under- stood. The investigations into the condition of the Rat River Settle- ment were proceeding with open doors ; and the evidence before the Natal Commission was printed from day to day—" frank fearless pro- ceedings," which produced beneficial effects on the public minds. The papers contain a protest from Preetorius against the establish- ment of a convict settlement in Natal, supposed to be in contemplation. He argues that escaped convicts would cause trouble in the Trans Vaal republic, and ruin the country.
Isans Aien Cnnea.—Intelligence from Burmah extends to the 9th April. At that time military affairs looked unpromising. Neither General Cheape nor Captain Fytche had captured Myth Thoon, as had been previously reported ; and he was therefore at large, organizing re- sistance, it was believed, in connexion with the treacherous Court of Ave.
There was danger of a partisan warfare ; Burmese posts were thickening in the country—even around Rangoon and Moulmein ; and our forces were scattered about in small detachments. One of these, occupying
Beling, had been captured by the Burmese, and the garrison put to the sword : so says the Rangoon Chronicle Extra ; but the report was denied by the Calcutta authorities.
The Burmese Commissioners had returned to Ave for further powers.
The first railway in Asia was opened at Bombay on the 16th April, with "unprecedented rejoicings," says the Bombay Ilmes. But, the same journal adds-
" The most notable event that ever occurred in the East seemed to possess no claims on the regards of the authorities : the Governor, the Commander- in-chief, and the Bishop, with two of the Secretaries and Presidency Staff, had gone to their summer quarters ; the members of Council present were silent ; and it was remarked that the prayers or addresses, never omitted in consecrating the colours of a regiment or laying the foundation of a town- house, were forgotten at the commencement of the operations of the most wonderful structure the East ever beheld."
For the subsequent fortnight, daily, about 1000 natives travelled by the rail from Bombay to Tannah.
The accounts from China are very obscure. It seems still doubtful whether the English, French, and American naval forces at Shanghai had interfered in the civil war on behalf of the Imperial party. The latest letters do not favour the statement that Colonel Marshall, the American Commissioner, had placed the Susquehannah before Nankin.
It seems more likely that the foreign war-steamers on the station had been posted so as to protect Shanghai. Trade by barter had not suffered much intervention but money was scarce. The Chinese Ministry had
followed up the legalization of the opium traffic by recommending its cultivation in China. It is stated that the "middle classes" approve of the revolution.
The Bombay correspondent of the Times writes of the organization of the rebel army.
"The revolutionary army is divided into five corps or divisions, each com- plete in itself. Each division is subdivided into brigades of 6100 men, com- manded by a brigadier, and containing four regiments of 16 companies each. A subaltern's command is 25 men, a captain's 100 men, a major's 400, and a colonel's 1600. The names of all the generals are given, and also a description of their persons. There is a corps of Imperial Guards'
and a strong Staff, Inspectors of Troops," Masters of the Horse' " Pay- masters,' a corps of 'Surveyors,' officers in charge of the signal depart-
ment.' All these are dignified with yellow scarfs and the title of Excel- lency.' The inferior grades are numerous. Among those particularized are officers distinguished by a red and black scarf, whose duty it is to urge the people to enter into their confederacy and to administer the oaths of ad- berence.' " It is stated that a letter has been received by a commercial house in England, from a young Englishman serving as an Artillery officer in the rebel army. He states that he knows six other Englishmen holding similar commands.
Pzitere..--By telegraph from Paris we have news from St. Petersburg, dated May 23. Russia, it is stated, demands from the Shah of Persia either the immediate repayment of the loan of 50,000,000 francs or the cession of the territory of Asterabad, on the shores of the Caspian. The Shah has refused compliance with either demand. It is said that the Prince Dolzomki, Secretary to the Russian Embassy at Teheran, has given a blow to the Secretary of the Shah ; arid that Ahmet Effendi, the Turkish Ambassador, who took the part of the insulted dignitary, has addressed a circular to the Foreign Consuls at Teheran.