The condition of things in Ireland is very threatening. The
islanders of Arranmore, county Donegal, are said to have thrown atones at the boats of H.M.'s gunboat ' Goshawk,' which was protecting the Constabulary in the serving of processes on the islanders, and it is also said that the Goshawk' had to 'fire ou the island. In Clare, too, there have been serious col- lisions between the police and the people, resulting, it is said, in the death of one or two of the people,. and the wounding of one or two policemen ; and oven in some of the most prosper- ous counties of Ireland, like Limerick, the resistance to the law 'is growing very serious. In the meantime, almost all the men who brought on this serious collision,—the men whose advice to the peasantry to hold a tight grip of their land, precipitated this civil war,—keep quite clear of the dangers into which they have led their poor countrymen. Mr. Dillon, indeed, is in con- finement, but the Land Leaguers in general have no disposi- tion to be martyrs,—they have none of the sincerity of Smith O'Brien, and the fanatical Irish patriots of 1848.