This Week's Books
DURING the past month the books most in demand at The Times Book Club have been :— Frurrosr: Young Men in Love, by Michael Arlen ; Dusty Answer, by Rosamond Lehmann ; Rogues and Vagabonds, by Compton Mackenzie ; .Morris in the Dance, by Ernest Raymond ;. Out of the Ruins, by Sir Philip Gibbs ; Return of Don Quixote, by G. K. Chesterton ; Sister Carrie, by Theo- dore Dreiser ; But Yesterday, by Maud Diver.
Nox-FICTION : Napoleon, by Emil Ludwig.; Sir Francis Drake, by E. F. Benson ; Two Vagabonds in Albania, by J. and C. Gordon ; Requiem, by Humbert Wolfe ; Joys of Life, by " A Woman of No Importance " ; America Comes of Age, by Andre Siegfried ; World-Famous Crimes, by Fr A. Mackenzie ; A Great Man's Friendship : .Letters of the Duke of Wellington to Mary Marchioness of Salisbury.
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