Sra,—To be successful Psychiatry must BE Spiritual Healing. Perhaps this
statement is a commonplace. It is clear that the writer of the very interesting article which you have lust published sees the 'essential connection, but unless a means is adopted of matching the condition to its treatment how can anybody know that the best is being done for the Patient ?
Radaesthesia or Radionics in the hands of a good operator can perform miracles in cases of Physical illness including so-called incur- able diseases. 1 am sure that much could be It for shock therapy and leucotomy cases. rr might confirm that one or other of these treatments was called for, but I am sure it Would not always do so.
„, After all, Wesley did just this kind of thing. kla was a sensitive, as all great spiritual
leaders must be, and he matched his behaviour to the moment and to his audience—whether it was one or a thousand. Hence the dramatic results he achieved. Solite of the medical profession no doubt have this kind of faculty well developed so that in moments of crisis they are able to rise to the occasion, but few achieve the required sensitivity to enable them to KNOW the course to take in all their cases—even after many years.
That is why I should have liked to have seen mention in the articles of a link between the " Medical Society for the Study of Radaesthesia " and psychiatrists. Is there such a link—or will there be in a not too distant tomorrow 7—Yours faithfully,