SIR.--In all races. women's brains are on average smaller than men's, as Mr. Roderick Cave says. but, as was observed by Thomas Henry Huxley a hundred years ago and often repeated since, it is both naive and fallacious to apply such an analogy to racial comparisons.
The further amusing letter from Mr. Lewis Nkosi, if it is to be taken seriously, calls for no reply, since. apart from its revelation of the characteristica'k
rational inadequacy of the Negroid mind, it con- tributes nothing new to the subject being discussed. I might perhaps be allowed to add that it is a pity Mr. Nkosi, consumed with pride in the unproven qualities and imaginary capabilities of the Negroid race, should have failed to avail himself of the opportunity open to him here of advancing some evidence or argument in support of his case against the findings of the reputable authoritieg who assert that the human races, arc neither biologically nor potentially equal and that it may be unwise from a national and evolutionary viewpoint for certain races to interbreed.
IN Oaks Drive, Racecourse Heath. Ringwood, Hants.