Full and vigorous
Sir: Your leader 'Campaign tedium' (21 May) derides the broadcasters for being too cautious in covering the general election. We are accused of suppressing 'most of the arguments worth having during an election campaign'. That is not my impression of the full and vigorous fare offered on televi- sion and radio. There are restraints, certain- ly: the editorial restraints of 'fairness' and 'balance' which must quite properly be observed by public service broadcasters financed by licence payers of all parties. But your argument forgets that we are also sub- ject to the law, in a way the press are not. It is Section 93 of the Representation of the People Act 1983 which prescribes that no candidate may take part in a broadcast about a constituency unless all do; and that no candidate at all may be interviewed until nominations close.
David Holmes
BBC, Broadcasting House, London WI