Three-point turn
Sir: I would like to make three points in connection with the three letters published on 28 May: 1. It ought to be made crystal clear that the 35 signatories (of whom I was one) of the letter to the Evening Standard (mentioned by Messrs Daley and Auty) did not ask for the sacking of Mr Sewell from his post as art critic. This misreading has been repeated ad nauseam by his apolo- gists. I will send a copy of the letter to any- one, free of charge, who doubts this. 2. I am sorry Mr Sewell supposes I distorted his glittering career by the omission of his other achievements. There was not space to mention them all. I hope to placate him on another, more leisurely occasion. I should add that the fact of his advisory relationship with the Pietermaritzburg Art Gallery is well know, and was freely given to me by the gallery itself. 3. I must point out that I am happy to hold a part-time associate edi- torship with the Burlington Magazine and am not, as stated under my article (Arts, 21 May), its deputy editor.
Richard Shone
Holbein Place, London SW1