4 MARCH 1843, Page 15



Acton, Colonel Currie, R. Hughes, W. B. Pluinptre, J. P. Adderley, C. B. Dashwood, G. H. Humphery, Ald. Praed, W. T. Allis. J. P. Dickinson, F. H. luglis, Sir R. H. Rashleigh, W. Antrobus, E. Disraeli, B. Knight, F. W. Roos. Hon. Captain Arkwright, G. Dowdeswell, W. Lawsuit, A. Scholefleld, J. Bateson, R. Duncombe, Hon. 0. Lennox, Lord A. Sheppard, T.

Blackstone, W. S. East, J. B. Leslie, C. P. Shirley, E. J.

Borthwick, P. Elphinstone, H. Lockhart. W. Smith, A.

Roaring, Dr. Escott, B. Mackenzie, W. F. Smollett. A.

Bradshaw, J. Fieldeu. J. M'Geachy. F. A. Stuart, H.

Bramston, T. W. Fellowes, E. Mainwanng, T. Strickland, Sir G.

Broadley, H. Ferrand, IV. B. Manners. Lord J. Tollemache, J. Broadwood, H. Fitzroy, Hon. H. Marslancl, H. Trollope, Sir J. Bruce, C. L. C. Forbes, W. Martin, T. B. Trotter. J.

Campbell, Sir H, Gladstone. Captain Master. T. W. C. Yorke, H. R. Campbell, A. Godson, R. Mordaunt. Sir J.

Chetwode, Sir J. Gore, W. R. 0. Morgan, 0. TELLERS.

Christopher. R. A. Grogan, E. Northland, Viscount Collett, W. R. Hamilton. Lord C. Packe, C. W. Mr. Roebuck.

Cripps, W. Henley, 3. W. Palmer, R. Mr. Hume.


Achim], T. D. Ellice, E. Knatchbull.Hn.SirE.Ricardo, J. L. Ainsworth, P. Emlyn, Viscount Knight, H. G. Rice, E. R. Aldam, W. Evans, W. Laboucliere. Hon. H. Ross, D. R. Archbold. R. Ferguson, Sir R. A. Lambton, II. Rumbold, C. E. Baring, Hon. W. B. Fitzmaurice, Hon.W. Lascelles. Hn. W. S. Rushbrooke, Col. Baring. Rt. Hon. F.T.Filzroy, Captain Layard, Captain Russell, Lord J.

Barnard, E. G. Flower, Sir J. Lemon. Sir C. Russell J. D. W.

Becket, W. Forster, M. Lincoln, Earl of Rutherford, A.

Berkeley, Hon. C. Fox, C. R, Listowel, Earl of Saurian, Viscount •

Berkeley. Hon. H. F.Fuller, A. E. Lowther. J. H. Scrope, G. P.

Bernal, R. Gaskell, J. H. Lygon, Hun. Geu. Shaw, Right Hon. F. Blake, Sir V. Gill. T. M'Taggart, Sir J. ShelbornA, Earl of

Boldero. H. 0. Gladstone, Hon. W. Mahon, Viscount Smith. B.

Browne, Hon. W. Gordon, Hon. Capt. Mangles, R. D. Smith. J. A.

Bruce, Lord E. Gore, M. Marjoribanks, S. Smith, Hon. R. V.

Buller, E Gore, Han. R. Marshall, W. Smythe, Run. G. Busfeild, W. Goulburn, Rt. Ha. H.Martio, C. W. Somerset, Lord G.

Bvng. Rt. Hun. G. S.Grauger, T. C. Mastermau, J. Standish, C.

Childers, J. W. Greene. T. Maxwell. Hon. J.P. Stanley, Lord

Clay, Sir W. Grey. Rt. He. Sir G. Meynell, Captain Stanley, Hun: W. 0.

Clerk, Sir G. Grimston, Viscount Mildmav, H. St. JohnStanaSeld, W. R. C.

Clive, Viscount, Halford, H. Mitcalfe, H. Stuart, Lord J. Clive, Hon. R. H. Hallyburton. Ld.J.F.Mitchell, T. A. Stuart, W. V.

Cochrane, A. Hamilton, W. J. Morris, D, Strutt, E.

Colborne, Hon.W. N Harmer, Sir J. Morrison, J. Sutton, Hon. H. M.

Colebrooke. Sir T. E.Harconrt, G. G. Neville, R. Tancred, H. W.

Colquhoun, J. C. Hardiuge, Hn. Sir II. Nichol!. Rt. H,..n. J. Tennent, J. E.

Norreys, Lord Thornhill, G.

Norreys, Sir D. J. Tea neley, J. O'Connor. Doa Tyrell, Sir J. T.

Ogle, S. C. H. Vane, Lord H.

Ord, W. 'Waddington, II. S.

Oswald, J. Ward, II. G.

Palmerston, Visct. Watson, W. H.

Pecbell, Captain Wawa, J. T. Peel, Rt. Hon. Sir R. Wellesley. Lord C. Pennant, Hon. Col. II ilshere, W. Cony. Rt. Hon. H. nestle. A.

Cowper, Hon. W. F. Hatton, Captain V.

Craig, W. G. Hawes, B.

Dalmeny. Lord Hay, Sir A. L. Darner, Hon. Cul. Hayter, W. G.

Darby, C. Heathcote, Sir W.

Davies, D. A. S. Herbert, Hon. S.

Denison, W. J. Hervey, Lord A. Denison, E. B. Hill, Lord M.

D'Eyncourt, Hon. C.Ilinde, J. H. Douglas, Sir H. Hodgson, R. Philips. G. R. Winnington,Sir T.B.

Douglas, Sir C. E. Hogg, J. W. Plumridge, Captain Wood, B.

Duff, J. Hope. G. W. Pollingtou, Viscount Wood. C.

Duke, Sir J. Horsman, E. Ponsonby.11a.C.F.A.Wood, G. W.

Duncan, Viscount Howard, Hn. C.W.G.Pousonby, Hon. J. G. Wortley, Hon. J. S. Dundas, Admiral Howard. Lord Pringle. A. Wrightson. W. B. Easthope, Sir J. Howard, Hon.H. Protheroe, S. Wynn, Hon. C.W.W. Eaton. R. J. James, W. Pittsford, R. Young, J.

Ebrington, Viscount Jermyn, Earl Pusey, P. TELLERS. Elicit, Lord Johnston, A. Reid, Sir J. R. Fremantle, Sir T.

Ellice, Rt. Hon. E. Jones. Captain Repton, G. W. J. Tufnell, H.