BRITISH FUN Saturday DS. Monday. (Closing Prices.) Tuesday.
Thurs. Friday.
3 per Cent. Consols ........
951 951 934
951 954 Ditto for Account 251 951 951 951 951 951 3 per Cents. Reduced 961 961 961 961 abut
34 per Cents Reduced 103/ 1031 1031 103* 1031 stint New 34 per Cents 1024 1021 1021 1024 1021 1021 Long Annuities 121 121 121 121 shut
Bank Sock, 7 per cent
1774 1774 178 1774 1771 shut India Stock, 104 2674 2674
2074 - shut Exchequer Bills. 2d. per diem 66 pm. 69 69 69 67 67 India Bonds, 34 per cent 68 pm. 68 70 70 68 70 FO REIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. Arkansas (1863) 6 - - Mexican 5 p. Ct. Ditto (Deferred) 5 30
Austrian 5 - 1124 Michigan 6 -
Belgian 5 -
Mississippi (Sterling) -..6 -
Brasilian 5 - 781 Neapolitan 5 - 102 Buenos Ayres 6 -
New York (1855) 5 - 80 Cuba 6 -- - Ohio 6 -
Chilian 6 - 83 Pennsylvania 5 -
Columbian of 1824 6 241 Peruvian 6 - lilt Danish 3 - 868 Portuguese 3 -
Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .24 - 551 Ditto 5 70 Ditto (Ditto) 5 1021 Ditto (New) 5 -
French 3 - - Russian 5 - 113 Ditto 5
Spanish 5 -- 201 Indiana (Sterling) 5 -- 23 Ditto (Passive)
Illinois 6 -
Ditto (Deferred)
Kentucky 6 -
Snub Carolina 5 p. Ct. 874 Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 - 45 Teressee 6 -
Maryland 6 -
United States Bank ifs.
Uassachussetts(Sterling)5 -
Virginia. 5
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Mrses- Baas,- Holastos - Australasian Braziliau Imperial ..... ...... British North American Ditto (St. John del Rey) 4 Colonial British Iron - London and Westmiuster
Cato Branca Lontlou Joint Stock
Candouaa National of Ireland Cobre Copper - National Provincial RAILWAYs- Provincial of Ireland Cheltenham and Great Western 314 Union or Australia Eastern Counties 9 Union of London GrandJunction ... - Docss -
Great Western 95 ex 11. East and West India
Liverpool and Manchester..., - London London and Brighton 351 ex cl. St. Katherine London and Blackaall 51 M iSCELLANEOUS - Loudon and Greenwich 5 Australian Agricultural London and Birmingham 218 British American Laud London sod Croydon 101 Canada ?dandle 1... r and Leeds 731 General Steam 2o Midland 'nsities 661 New Zealand North Midland 664 Royal Mail Steam South-eastern and Dover 221 I South Australian South-western 66 ex it. Van Diemen's Land 56 454 16 23 121 141 351 421 311 124
Silver in Bars, Standard 0 4 I li Steel, English .... 0 0 0- Gold, Foreign in Bins .. per no. 31. 17s. Pd. Copper, British Cakes.par ton 851•0s. to
Old Spanish, or Ciller Dollars.. 0 0 a Iron, iteiriA, R,w, 5 5 0- Mexican Dolls 0 4 54 Lead. Ilritish Pig 17 5 0-
0 • 0 o 0 n 0 • 0 0 r 0
GRAIN, Mark Lane, March 3.
Wheat, RedNerv42 t o 44 ;tee 32 to 34 Maple 28 to 31.
Fine 44 .. 48 Barley . ..... 22 .. s3 White MI . • 31
Old as ...In Man.n. V 29 Roles 3:.. 53 Mite ..... 36 .. mi 5Ialr, Ordinary. 40 .. 50 Beans, Ticks .. 24 .. 25 Fine 40 .. 41 Fine 50 .. 55 Old M .. SR Superfine New50 .. 56 Peas, flog -7 .. 55 Harmer 47 .. 36
AVERAGE PRICES OF Cu RN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Wheat 48s. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week. 48s. 411 Rye. ... .... HI. led Wheat ... ..... Mils II d 1 Rye '
9 o Beans /1..8i • I t 5 Barley ........57 3 Bemis .... ..... 11 4 Barley
8 0 Peas Oats. ...... .... 16 I t Peas 11 6
HOPS. 59 II flats i POTATOES.
Rent Pockets Th.. to 848. York Reds per, n 605 to 705 Choice Ditto moo - 1211 I Wore 0 -. o 0 .. Sussex roats s
Superfine Ditto 74 - FO Middling 0
0 VC - on Chats 0 -..
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.) CUMBERLAND. S5111111FIE1.D. POSTMAN WHITECII A plel .
896.. 064 60s... 406 .... es Os 601. 110..
70 .. ;8 0 .. 0 0 0 88 .. 112
50 .. 34 43 50 o 0 46 . so
BUTTER-Pew Fresh, 156. 8,1 pre don, Carlow, 01.14.. toot 14s. pecan's BACON. So./61101d. per cwt.... 0, to O.. CHEESE. Cheshire 54s to 7ts.
Derby Plain 434 .c• 59s.
HAMS, York tan. 10 7414 EGOS, Preach... per ISO 4.. 05. to 6. 51.
NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.• SMITHFIELD.* Beef 2s. 4d to 8s. Od. to 90. Cd. 2s. Od. to 3s. 6d io 40. 2d
Melton 2 4 .. 9 0 . 3 6 2 10 .., 3 4 .. • 2 Veal 3 4 ,. 4 0 .. 4 8 ..... ... 3 10 .. 4 0 ,. 4 It Pork 2 6 .. 3 4 .. 4 4 3 In - .: 4 0 „ 4 8
Lamb 0 0 .. 0 0 -. 0 0 ... ..... III 0 .. 0 U .. 0 0
• To sink the offal-per Bibs. HEAD. OF CATTLE AT. SMITHFIF.I.D ,
Rea... Sheep. Coleys. PI,
Friday 839 ........ tato 114 383
Dlouday .. ....... 0,0(7 ........ 26.200 69 330 • •. Oats, Feed ... 1710 IS Fine 18 19 Poland.. 19 . 79 Fine 20 Potato ' .. sr -Fine 22 „le Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Straw. VI heat
Town-made per sack 40s. to 454. Seconds.. ..... . .......... .......... 3i - 40 Essex and Suffolk. on board ship... 30 - 35 Norfolk and Stockton......... ...... 28 - 32
BRAN per quarter Os. to Os.
etat.t.a R D. One Os. to Os.
BREAD, 345. to 745. the 41b. Loaf.