Vie (Court.
THE Queen and Prince Albert left town on Thursday, for Claremont, in a carriage and four. The Princess Royal rode in the same carriage - the Prince of Wales and the suite followed in two other carriages; 'and a party of Hussars formed the escort. The Queen held a Court at Buckingham Palace the day before; at which Count Kiehnansegge, the Hanoverian Minister, and Mr. Murphy, the Mexican Minister, were introduced by Lord Aberdeen, and had audiences.
Her Majesty gave an audience to the Duke of Wellington on Monday. The Queen and Prince Albert went to Covent Garden Theatre on Tuesday. The Prince attended a meeting of the Commission for the Promotion of the Fine Arts on the same day.
The Dutchess of Kent has been slightly indisposed. On Tuesday- her Royal Highness received a visit from Prince Albert.
The Queen Dowager arrived yesterday at Marlborough House, from Canford House ; having travelled by the South-western Railway. -" ' The Duke of Sussex entertained a select dinner-party on Tuesday, at Kensington Palace. The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge were present at the French play on Monday ; on Thursday, to the Princess's Theatre ; and yester- day, the Duke was present at the performance of the Sacred Harmonle Society.