Accounts from Brussels to the 2d of March represent all
classes of Bel- gians as concurring to maintain the national independence—King, Min- istry, Chambers, and People: the universal determination is, " Nous rests- rims Beiges." Two significant measures were at once set on foot,—one to extend the Parliamentary franchise to all persons paying 20 florins in taxes ; the other to place the forts in a state of complete defence. King Leopold had never enjoyed such obvious popularity.
It was reported in Paris yesterday, that Baden is in fall insurrection, and that the tricolor flag is displayed in Mayence and Darmstadt.
From Berlin advices have been received to the 29th January. The news from Paris had evidently caused much uneasiness. King Frederick William immediately left Charlottenburg for Berlin, and presided the same evening at a Cabinet Council. A second Cabinet Council was held on the following day. It is said to have been decided to take necessary measures energetically to oppose every attempt at aggression from France, as also every attempt at disturbing the peace of Europe. Orders were issued on the same day for four regiments to advance by forced marches to the Rhe- nish frontier, and two cavalry regiments were ordered from Pomerania. Business was almost at a stand.