4 MARCH 1848, Page 19


WAR-OPPICE, March 3.-Grenadier Guards-Lieut. and Capt. H. G. Conroy, to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Sir J. M. Burgoyne, Bart. who retires; Ensign and Lieut. the Hon. G. S. Gough, to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Conroy ; Second Lieut. W. T. F. Wallace, from the 5th Foot, to be Ensign and Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Gough. 7th Rest. of Foot-Lieut. J. D. Longden, from the 13th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Busby, who exchanges. 10th Foot-Sergt.-Major J. Murphy to be Quar- termaster, vice J. Goodfellow, who retires upon half-pay. 13th Foot-Lieut. J. Busby, from the 7th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Longden, who exchanges. 16th Foot-Quarter- reaster-Sergt. J. Banyard, to be Quartermaster, vice Collins, deceased. 49th Foot- Lieut. M. W. De la Poe: Beresford, from half-pay 17th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Maclean, promoted. 57th Foot-Capt. J. A. Street, from 98th Foot, to be Capt. vice W. Ahmuty, Who ex. 88th Foot-Major H. Shirley to be Lieut-Col. withoutpur. vice Phibbs, dec.; COL W. Irwin to be Major, vice Shirley ; Lieut. J. B. Johnson to be Capt. vice Irwin ; Ensign L. S. Steere to be Lieut. vice Johnson; A. D. Maule, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Steere. 89th Foot-Lieut. T. D. B. D'Arey to be Capt. by purchase, vice Griffis, who retires ; Ensign T. R. J. G. Thompson to be Linn. by purchase, vice D'Arcy ; A. Nixon, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Thompson. 94th Foot-Ensign R. H. Lewis to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Ashton, promoted in 3d West India Rest. ; W. D.H. G. Day, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Lewis. 95th Foot- Capt. C. F. Parkinson, nom half-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice E. J. Cruise, who exchanges, re- ceiving the difference ; Capt. A. L. Bourke, from half-pay Unattached, to be Capt. vice C. F. Parkinson whoexchanges ; Lieut. T. Davis to be Capt. by purchase, vice Bourke, who retires ; Ensign E. S. Charlton to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Davis ; W. D. Shipley, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Charlton. 98th Foot-Capt. W. Ahmuty, from the 57th Foot, to be Capt. vice Street, who exchanges; Ensign R. Mends, from 99th Foot, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice J. A. Macdonald, cashiered by the sentence of a General Court-Martial.

3d WeSt. India Rest.-Lieut. T. H. Ashton, from 94th Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Ogilby, who retires.

Bt. Helena Regt.-L. R. Carnac, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase. Unattached-Lieut. A. G. Moorhead, from Adjutant of a Recruiting District, to be _apt. without purchase.