4 MARCH 1848, Page 20



UNDS. Salami. (Closing Monday. Prices.) Tuesday.

-- Widnes -- Thurs. Midas,

8 per Cent Consols



803 62} 823 81 821 Ditto for Account

831 81} 824 823 82 829 3 per Cents Reduced

64} 803 023 824 62 82 3} per Cents

85 813 833 83 833 87 Long Annuities

83 — 83 83 89


Bank Stock,9 per Cent .

191 193 195 195 191


India Stock, 10}

242 239 233 —


Exchequer Bills, 3d. per diem

21 pm- 10 13 19 17 13 India Bonds, 1} per Cent

22 pm. par — 4 pm. ---


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Austrian 5p. et -- Massachusetts (Sterling)...5 p. Ct.

Belgian 43

Mexican a -


Ditto 23

Michigan S -

Brazilian e


Mississippi (Sterling)......6 - Buenos Ayres 6 Chillan

- 25 New York f1858) . . ... ....5 -

Ohro II --


Danish 2


Pennsylvania 6 -


Dutch (Ex. 12 Guildms) ...23 - 433 Peruvian 27 Ditto 4


Portuguese 5 -

French 3

— Ditto 3 - 171

Ditto 9 - —

Russian 6 - 97 ex d.

Indiana (Sterling) 5 - ,, 28 Spanish 6 - 123 Illinois.. 6 - —

Ditto..... 3 -

213 Kentucky - — Ditto (Passive)

33 •

Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - 76 Ditto (Deferred)

Maryland (Sterling) 5 -


Venezuela Active

HOPS.I POTATOES. Kent Pockets 60s. to 67s. I York Reds per ton. Os. to Os

Choice ditto 65 - 1121 Scotch Reds 110 - 0 Sussex Pockets 58 - 61 Devons 0 - 0

Fine ditto 0 - 0 Kent and Essex Whites 110 -170 BHA RE S.

the Week ending Friday Evening.) (Last Official Quotation daring RAILWATS-

Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern

31 38 133 ex d. 53 Rises-

Australasian British North American Colonial Commercial of London

Great North of England


London and Westminster


Great Western .. ... . .... . 93 ex d. London Joint Stock

Hull and Selby 93exd. National of Ireland

Lancashire and Yorkshire

National Provincial ...........

Lancaster and Carlisle 48 Provincial of Ireland ....

London Brighton and South Coast 31 } "Union of Australia '

London and Blackwell 93 excl .

Union of London

London and North-western 138 ex d. •


Midland 105 ei d. Solana

North British 233 Brazilian Imperial

Northern and Eastern 50 Ditto (St. John DelHey)

South-eastern and Dover

. 2 3

Cobre Copper'....... ...........

liouth-western 49 ex d. MISOELI4NE098••■•

York, Newcastle ausi,Berwick

323 excl. Australian Agricultural .....

York and North

66 6x11.




General Steam


East and West India .

Peninsular and Oriental Steam .


London / 91*

Been elan non ' '




'South '

BULLION. Per as.


Per on.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ...

£3 17 9

COpper,BritishCakest88 10

0 .. 0

0 0

Foreign GoldinColn,PortugalPieces 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars .... 8 10

C 0

0 0

New Dollars 0 0 0 Lead, British Pig .... 17 15 0 .. 0- 0 0 Silver in Bars, Standard .. . . . 0 0 0 Steel,Buglish 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 GRAIN, Mask Lane, Starch 3.


Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.

Wheat Si,. 54.1 Rye 31$.. Id. Wheat 65. Od. Rye 2, 64 Earley 30 10 1 Beans 98 3 Barley 2 6 I Beans 2 6

Oats .. .... 20 10 I Peas 43 1 Oats " 6 1 Peas 2 6 Weekly Averages for the Week ending February 26. Wheat,1501.2d.-Barley,301. ild.-Oats,20s. 8d.-Rye,30s.3d.-13eans,38..04.-Peas, 41.. 7d. Oats, Feed . 18 to 19 Fine. 20-21 Poland .. 22-23

Fine . 23 -24 Potato ...25-20

Fine . 27-28 Wheat,11.New40 to94 Fine 45 -19 Old 44 -46 White -46 Fine 48 -52 Super. New 52-56

Rye 40 toil

'Barley •• -24 Malting 28 - 26 Malt, Ord 53-54 Fine 55-56 Peas, log 33 - 36 Staple 39 ta10

White.— 33-35

Boilers 37 -38 Beans,Tieks 30 -32 Old . 36-4o Harrow 34-36 BUTCHERS' MEAT.


SMITHFIELD.' REAR OF Cetera AT a. d. e. rt. e. sl. .. el. a d. s. 4. Setverusto.

Beef ..

3 4 to 3 10 to 4

2 8 8 to 4 4 to 4 6 Friday. Monday.


3 10 - 4 4 - 4


4 4 - 4 10 - 6 6

Beasts. 938 2,1330 Veal .. 4 0 - 4. 6 - 5 0 4 2 - 4 10 56 Sheep . 2,720 16,020 Pork .. 3 5 - 4 4 - 5 0

4 2 - 4 8 5 4

Calves. 196 55 Lamb . 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0

Pigs... 260 250

• To sink the offal, per a lb.


Town-made per sack des. to Os.

Seconds 43 - 15

Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 41 - 42 Norfolk and Stockton 39 - 41

Bran per quarter 0 0 Pollard,fine.. 0 - 0 Bread, aid. to 6d. the 41b. loaf. PROVISIONS.

Batter--BestFresh, les. 04. per dos. Carlow, Cl. 10s. to 41. 18s. per cwt.

Bacon, Irish per cwt. 62r.- 634, Cheese, Cheshire 54 Derby Plain 60 - 66 Hams, York . 60 - 74

Eggs, French, per 120, Cs. 3d. to De. 041.

Hay, Good' Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

Contain-ma D. Serrnrusto. II"nizzcnarri

70s. to 75s 70s. to 72s. ca. to OS 50 - 63 52 - 60 - 0 - 0 0 •-• 0 ...... ..... 0 0 . so - 70 90 - 95 90 95 60 - 95 28 - 32 21 - 26 .......... 16 - 26 OILS, COALS, CANDLES.

Rape Oil per cwt. 41 Ile Od-

Refined 1 18 0 Linseed Oil 1 4 3 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 (I 0 0 Candles, per dozen, 5s ed. to es. Od.

Moulds (6d. per doz discount) 7s. 6d.

Coals, Hetten 17,. 6d.

Tees. 17,. 02. GROCERIES.

Tea, Bohea, fine, ....per lb. Os. 14. to Os. CJ Coneen, fine 1 3 - 1 9 Bonehong, fine 1 3 - 2 4 • In Mond-Duty 2s. Id. per lb. Coffee, fine (In bond) per cwt. 70s. to 124s. Good Ordinary W 39s.

Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt 34s. Sid West India Molasses ....154. Od. to 20s. Od.