4 MARCH 1865, Page 19


We have received from Captain Trotter, whose Studies in Biography we noticed last week, a letter, in which he says "that the names of the authors specially reviewed by him are always given, and that the words these volumes' always have an antecedent expressed." The facts are these : He never gives the title-page of the book reviewed in the ordinary way at the head of the review, and in the particular place to which we referred, viz., page 323 of the essay on Sheridan, the only definite expressions to which the words "these volumes" can refer are the following :—A third memoir,—a picture . . . . drawn by an '.octogenarian who stood by his [Sheridan's] knee in youth, and sat at his table in manhood"—the author—the book— two of the worst-written -volumes that ever issued from the press. Any of our readers who take d3nfficient interest in the matter can now turn back to the notice of Captain Trotter's book, and determine for themselves whether we have -made any misstatement. The rest of the Captain's letter, which is much too long for publication, simply expresses his entire dissent from our estimate of his book, which, however, really is rather a favourable on; and assures us that he studied a great deal.