The Philosophy of Health. By Southwood Smith, M.D. (Longman and
Co.)—This is a revised edition of a book which in 1854 had been already ten times reprinted. The task of preparing it occupied the later years of the author's life, but his death left it uncompleted. So far as revision goes his grandson has accepted the responsibility, but he 'has only revised. Dr. Smith in reality re-wrote his book, and the last nine chapters are altogether new. They contain an elaborate account of the nervous system. It had been the author's intention to prefix an introduction, pointing out the practical necessity of some knowledge of the structure and functions of the body to all who would preserve good health, and still more to all who have the care of that of others. This intro- duction is wanting, but fortunately the labours of Dr. Smith during his life had done much to open people's eyes to this plain truth, and perhaps indolence is more powerful now than ignorance in impeding the pro- gress of sanitary science. As a popular exposition of the main truths of physiology with a view to the practical deduction of the laws of health—including therein not only the physical constitution of man, but the action of physical agents on it—this manual is certainly un- surpassed.