Mr. Guinness, the porter brewer of Dublin, has done a
princely thing. St. Patrick's Cathedral, the great Protestant Church of Ireland, has been for many yearsin a ruinous, and indeed dangerous condition. The very floor had risen, and the walls threatened to fall in. Mr. Guinness has restored it perfectly at an expense of 150,000/., with all the internal fittings necessary to a place of wor- ship. The rebuilding, whfbh has occupied four years, has been entirely superintended by himself, the principle followed being restoration with as little change as possible. The restored edifice was re-opened on Friday week, was attended by the Lord-Lieu- tenant, eight bishops, the representatives of the Order of St. Patrick, many peers, and most of the more prominent citizens, by everybody in short who ought to have done the work they left the great brewer to do. Will nobody imitate Mr. Guinness in York, floor the glorious Minster, and endow Dean and Chapter with money enough to bribe them to pull down their discreditable gates and the paltry sixpences the gates assist them to collect?