4 MARCH 1865, Page 2

The London Committee for conducting the Local Examinations for the

University of Cambridge have expressed their hearty approval of the plan for testing by its means the education of girls as well as boys. They have resolved "That this Committee approves the application made to the University for the admission of girls to the local examinations, and will be disposed to assist in carrying out at the London centre any scheme which the Uni- versity may approve for this extension of the scope of those examinations." The Liverpool Committee have, we regret to say, protested in a series of rather-foolish and ignorant resolutions, which

are entirely grounded on a true but inapplicable idea that the I barge was a twelve-oared boat, twenty-eight feet long, containing curriculum of ordinary girls' education should not be the same as that of ordinary boys. Doubtless ; but the Cambridge Local Examinations prescribe no curriculum at all, they give a large choice of alternative subjects, and only profess to test the thorough- ness with which those selected by the candidate have been studied. The respectable persons who signed this protest might as well find fault with the War Department for testing different-sized guns together, on the ground that they are not qualified for the same services.