Murray's Handbook for Shropshire, Cheshire, and Lancashire (Murray> is one
of an admirable series of guide-books, which it is quite superfluous- to praise. The volume before us is peculiarly full of information, in- cluding, as it does, some of the most remarkable sights, both natural and artificial, that are to be found in this country. In this connection, we may mention the Ten Months' Tour in the East, by Albert do Barton (Kitto), described on the title-page "as a guide to all that is most worth seeing in Turkey in Europe, Greece, Asia Minor, Palestine, Egypt, and the Nile ; Help-Book to Travellers in the East, by the Rev. Jabez Burns, D.D., and Thomas Cook (Cook's Tourist Office) ; and Bemrose's- Guide to Derbyshire (Bemrose), a well-written and copious work, an altogether a favourable specimen of its class.