Natural Phenomena and their Spiritual Lessons. By Anna M. Brayley.
(Spiers.)—The subject, familiar and almost trite as it is, is treated with much freshness and ingenuity. Miss Brayley draws out her analogies 'with taste and skill, always, we have noted with special pleasure, seeking to make them subserve large and liberal views of the divine relations to mankind. If we may venture a criticism, it would be that her observa- tion of natural phenomena is not always quite as accurate as, in treating such a subject, it should be. One might object, for instance, to the contrast which she makes between corn crops as the results of labour, and the grasses of the field, which she supposes "to grow up without any voluntary preparation and tillage." But there is a good deal or preparations for "the grasses of the field," bash-harrowing, rolling, dressing with manure, &c.