The Best of Everything. By the Author of "Enquire Within."
(Kent.)—"Enquire Within" is a work which has achieved a vast success —half a million of copies sold in this country alone, and in the United States, probably with more credit than profit to the author, many more. The Best of Everything is a sequel to it, mainly intended to supple- ment it with the results of discovery and invention during the last fifteen years, while also giving the author's after-thoughts. It is a book which defies description. In despair, it would seem, of accurately classi- fying his subjects, the author arranges them under the months of the year, beginning with March. A "Cook and Gardener's Calendar" makes an appropriate commencement for this as well as for the other chapters. It is less easy to see why we are told in this connection about the Bankruptcy Laws, and also about choosing a wife. Our readers will be glad to learn that one valuable test is to note how the lady cuts cheese. She must not cut the rind, nor pare it off ; to scrape it argues an union of economy and cleanliness. We have no wish, however, to ridi- cule the book, which has every appearance of being a sound and valuable manual of useful information.