A very picturesque incident in the battle, though not perhaps
one of such moment as has been represented, was the capture and recapture of Douaumont, one of the star forts which form what has been called the inner defensive line of Verdun. As we write the situation appears to be that some two thousand men of the Brandenburg Corps actually hold the fort, but are virtually surrounded by French troops. No doubt General Joffre could at any moment with his heavy artillery batter into nothing the concrete casements in which the Germans are said to bo taking cover. It appears, however, that he would prefer to take his enemies prisoners. It is of course quite possible that the surrounding is not so complete as it seems, and that the Germans may be able to withdraw their men after all. In any case, " the storming of the fortress," which had so formidable a sound when first reported, has now taken its proper proportions, and is seen to be an event of the first magnitude only in the realm of the picturesque.