[TO THE EDITOR, OE THE " SPECTATOR1 Sra,—The Battersea Polytechnic is endeavouring to give practical help to the wounded by enabling them to qualify for work where some technical training is necessary. The Governors are already providing lessons on motor mechanics and driving, and are ready to offer free instruction to men who are considered suitable for training in other capacities, such as telephone and telegraph operators, sanitary inspectors, craftsmen, toy workers, chefs, ere., &o. Unfor- tunately, we have no funds at our disposal to carry on such in- struction as extensively as we should like, and I hope you will allow mo to appeal through your columns to those who are desirous of showing in some practical way their admiration for and care of the brave men who, in fighting for their country, have lost their livelihood, to send a donation towards the sum wo are hoping to raise for the object indicated. Donations should be sent to the Secretary, Battersea Polytechnic, S.W.—I am, Sir, &c., The Vicarage, Balham Hill, S.W. HUBERT CURTIS.